Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If You Give An ADD Mom A Mission.....

Day 27: Your Weakness

So I tried to think of something like shoes, chocolate, candy, you know normal weaknesses.  I don't have one thing I always have on hand that I can't resist.  So I went deeper.  More philosophical.  I know, I was scared too.  

As I tried to think what my weakness was I remembered I needed to get something out for dinner.  I looked at the menu for the week and realized I had forgotten to purchase ingredients for 2 meals and had no ideas of what I wanted to make.  Then I heard the dryer ding and went to get the clothes out.  Which reminded me I needed hangers. I had bought some at Target earlier in the morning and when I got to the bag, I felt the need to distribute everyone's belongings to their basket on the stairs.  Looking at the stairs reminded me I needed to vacuum the carpet so Doodle wouldn't complain about "hairs on my feet".  Because I had to vacuum, I needed to pick up all the toys.  Then the dogs barked to go out, so I let them out.  Then I remembered about and email I needed to send (no reason for remembering, just my random brain).  Of course if I touch the computer I must check FB and my email.  Something might have happened.  Then I recalled my vow to get the ironing done.  I have also vowed to watch Dream Girls so that I can send it back to Netflix (6 months later).  I did manage to iron and watch a movie with only about 10 interruptions.  About the time I finished ironing (4:00ish) I remembered I needed to take something out for dinner.....
If this sounds a bit like an adult version of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" then welcome to my daily existence.  And that is me after I have had adderall!  By the end of Izzy's nap all I had done was iron (and watch a great movie).  I ended up with a pile of clean clothes that needed folding, pizza ordered from dominos, and still no idea what to use for my picture of my weakness.  Until I thought of this....
Oh look!  A shiny object all out of focus!
I think this pretty much sums up my weakness.  My attention is definitely my weakness.  When I am out of focus, my attention is diverted to any shiny object, crying child, barking dog, or random thought.  When I am completely focused, I can't stop what I am doing.  I have to clean that closet, finish that ironing, or watch that movie.  It isn't always productive in the conventional sense of the word, but it is what I do and how my brain works.  I have learned to compensate for the craziness ( better living through chemistry and caffeine) and have a wonderful husband who picks up (literally) after my tornados of activity. 

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