Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beautiful Inside and Out

Day 22: Landscape

I took a little me time tonight and drove over the mountain so I could get some landscape pictures.  I intended to stop at the scenic overlook and VDOT memorial in I-64 West and get some pictures of the valley below.  When I got to the VDOT memorial, I was struck by the beauty of the flag, the mountains, the sun, everything!  The reason I wanted to take the pictures in the first place is because every time I drive over the mountain, I have a sense of beauty.  Even when it is foggy and I can only see 10 feet in front of me, there is something beautiful about the mountains.  I remember driving over the mountain the first time 2 years ago (almost to the day) heading towards our new home.  Leaving behind family and friends, comfort and familiarity.  I was exhausted from a long drive and anxiety over moving, my Favoritest's new job as a fellow, my new job as a stay at home mom.  I was filled with every emotion one could think of.  As we crested the top of Afton Mountain I couldn't get over how beautiful it was.  Little did I know that our new home would be filled with as much inner beauty as the surrounding landscape.  We landed in a lovely townhouse surrounded by young families and kids the same age as Doodle.  Those families have become our friends and our extended family.  I found other friends (through UVA House Staff Social Network) who understand the crazy, hectic, frustrating, amazing life that our family leads because of my Favoritest's job.  Having those ladies for support and friendship has made a huge difference in my happiness.  I was also given a huge gift with this move.  TIME.  I know I always say that there is never enough, but I have more now than I ever did before.  I have time to enjoy Doodle.  Time to explore new hobbies like photography and writing.  I have time to indulge in old hobbies like scrapbooking.  I have time to sit on the computer and chat with my friends. All of those things give me the patience to deal with the frequent stints of single parenting and solo meals.  So, this picture that I intended just be something beautiful, has really made me think about the beauty of my home.  Two years after first seeing those mountains, I still marvel at their beauty.  More surprisingly is that I am still marveling at the inner beauty of our home!

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