Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bloom and Grow

I picked Doodle up from school  couple of weeks ago and she handed me this plant.  Mrs. Laurie chuckled as I looked at it.  When I looked up she said that she didn't know what happened to Doodle's plant.  I looked at her a little funny.  It was growing, I didn't know what she meant.  Then she pointed to the other containers on the windowsill of the classroom.  They were all touching the top of the lid.  She said, "go figure, my littlest student has the littlest plant!"  I just laughed.  I figured Mrs. Laurie told her to push the seeds down in the dirt and Doodle did just what she was told.  Pushed it way down.  So, it took a little longer to bloom and grow.  Kind of like Doodle herself!

April 26 (280/365)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Program Progress

Have I mentioned how much we love Doodle's school?  Main Street Preschool is wonderful.  We literally fell into it.  We enrolled her sight unseen and never looked back.  The school is extremely affordable and focuses on play and learning fun.  Both years that we have attended, they have held a scholarship fundraiser dinner.  The church hosts dinner, preschool parents donate desserts and everybody makes monetary donations for the meal.  The highlight of the meal is that the preschool children sign after dinner.    You may recall that Doodle's track record with programs is a work in progress.  We went from hiding and crying, to staying on stage, to minimal participation.  I wasn't holding my breath for any great success.
The whole event started out rocky.  I offered to make 2 pound cakes for dessert.  Normally, this is not a problem.  However, things were not going my way.  The pound cake that I have made 975 times decided that this was the day to leak out the bottom of the tube pan and burn all over the bottom of the oven.

April 24 (278/365)
Given that it was already after dinner and I was going to have to clean the oven before starting over, I did what any rational person would do.  I hung my head in shame and ran to the grocery store bakery.  The failed dessert donation did nothing to raise my hopes for Doodle performing in the show.  I did bribe her with a new pez dispenser, but still wasn't holding my breath.
Well, I was right, and I was wrong.  Doodle stayed on stage, she participated, and she caused quite a scene!
April 25 (279/365)

Doodle and her friend D had quite a good time on stage.  Even after Mrs. Laurie came to sit beside them on stage they didn't calm down.  Oh well, at least she participated this time!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pitty Party

In April, my Favoritest and I took a long weekend and went house hunting in Pittsburgh.  Doodle stayed with Jayburb.  Don't get too jealous, it was not the relaxing baby moon you may be thinking of!  We spend the weekend looking a frat houses, talking with slum lords, and I am not going to lie there were tears.  Lots of tears.  The low point of the trip involved an appointment with an OB.  In case you didn't know, Sadie is due July 14 and My Favoritest has to start his new Job in Pittsburgh on July 1st.  My current doctors suggested making an appointment with an OB in Pitt to get into their system and so they would have me registered as a patient.  I was assured that in the academic hospital world, this is not an unusual situation and it shouldn't be a problem to transfer so late in my pregnancy.  SHOULDN"T being the important word.  Someone should have mentioned that to the idiot we saw.  After looking totally flabbergasted when we explained the situation, running out of the room to check with her partner, and returning to the office with me in tears she basically told us that she would accept us as a patient, but she couldn't guarantee  me the quality of care she normally provides to her patients.  She was not even willing to discuss ways to make the situation work for both she and I.  As we walked out, I told My Favoritest that I didn't care what he had to do, he needed to figure out how we could stay in VA for the delivery.  The rest of our trip was pretty much tainted by this visit.  Here are a couple of pictures from our hotel.  Pitt by day and by night.
April 19 (273/365) 
April 20 (274/365)
View of the incline from our hotel room. 

I mentioned that we looked for houses.  Oh what an adventure that was!  The rental market in Pitt is crazy!  We looked at a house in the city that had 5 college boys living in it.  When we arrived I almost refused to walk inside.  There were no less than 3 recycling bins full of beer bottles on the front porch alone!  My feet stuck to the floor.  It was disgusting.  We left.  The next house we looked at in the city was being remodeled and had some potential.  The downside was it was 3 stories with a basement.  The contractor also mentioned that he and the crew thought there was a ghost living in the basement.  And since the place didn't come with an inspection from the Ghost Hunters crew, we took a pass.  Finally I convinced My Favoritest I am not a city girl and we moved our search to the burbs.
As we drove up to the first house in the burbs, we both said there had to be some kind of joke.  The houses were huge and nice with big, green, manicured yards.  We were waiting to cross the tracks to the slums.  We were pleasantly surprised.  The house we were there to see was smaller than it's neighbors, but it was brick, it was nice, and it had lots of curb appeal.  It also had lots of lookers.  There were no less than 5 people looking at the house.  The inside had some issues and a weird floor plan, but it was clean, finished, and in a safe neighborhood.  We left feeling a little more optimistic.  We weren't ready to sign a lease, but we had an option.  We wandered into the little town and found the Oakmont Bakery and I am pretty sure that is what made me feel like we could live in that house:)
After a day of lackluster houses and failed leads, we made the decision that the Oakmont house was our best bet.  We returned to the house to take some pictures and drive around the town.  We met the current tenants and had lunch at another good restaurant.  There were more tears.  I think the reality of everything just came crashing down on me. I cried so hard, I could hardly talk to my mom.  Here is a picture of our new house
April 21 (275/365)
We arrived home from our adventure, and though I tried to stay positive, I was overwhelmed by everything.  The reality of leaving friends who have become like family.  Finding new everything.  Being pregnant and not knowing where I was going to have this baby girl.  It was all too much!  As I got ready for bed, I dug out a t-shirt to sleep in.  It's a maternity shirt that I bought as a joke when I was preggo with Doodle.  It seemed to fit my situation perfectly.  It was truly how I felt.  There were so many decisions to make and so many hurdles to cross.  I didn't even know where to begin.
April 22 (276/365)

I pretty much spent the next day in tears and frozen in place.  Like I said, it was just to overwhelming.  There were too many decision to make and too many variables.  Finally, I decided to put pen to paper.  When My Favoritest got home from work we made a good old fashioned pro/con list to all of our possible plans.  
April 23 (277/365)

In the end, we decided the best thing was to stay in VA for delivery.  There would be lots of details to fill in, but it made the most sense to us.  Luckily, we were able to extend our lease for a month.  Nothing about the plan is perfect, but it is the best we can do.  My Favoritest has to start work in PA on July 2st, and the c-section is scheduled for July 9th.  If she decides to make her way into the world between those days, her daddy probably won't see her come into this world.  Like I said, not perfect.  But, we are so lucky to have family and friends supporting us.  Bubbie and Zayde are coming before My Favoritest leaves and both will stay till after Sadie is born.  Bubbie will bunk with us girls until the very end of July.  We also decided that self packing was not in the stars.  We are having the movers pack us, and that has been a huge relief for me.  Life is still stressful.  There are still lots of details to work out.  But for now, things are moving along!

Monday, May 28, 2012

I Know This Much Is True

As the belly grows,

April 17 (271/365) 27wks 3 days

I am realizing how quickly time is flying.  It is definitely a mix of emotions for me.  I am over being pregnant, but know Sadie needs to cook more.  I am also aware that the closer we get to baby time the closer we get to move time.  Throughout the craziness of this pregnancy and transition, I have held on to a couple of personal truths.  First, everything happens for a reason and I cannot control it.  Second, God never gives you more than you can handle.  Nothing made me realize this more than a recent morning at Doodle's preschool.  As we walked into her hallway, I noticed a gift bag hanging on her coat hook.  When I looked inside, I found a sweet note from Doodle's former teacher Julie.  The note was wishing us well in all our upcoming adventures.  The end of the note said the she hoped the gift would keep us warm during our first PA winter.  Below the card, were 3 hand knitted sweaters and a beautiful lilac baby blanket.  A little love and warmth for everyone in our family.  I immediately teared up.  When we got home, Doodle immediately started playing with her scarf and of course had to show her special scarf to the dogs.

April 18 (272/365)

What I realized that day was that during our time in Virginia I have learned another personal truth.  God puts people in our path and even if we don't realize it at the time, there is a reason for them being there.  Julie is definitely one of those people.  When Doodle was in her class, she immediately understood my quirky not very verbal 2 year old.  She got what made her tick and was able to push her and help her to grow.  Julie always had something to share about their day, a funny story, a growing moment, or something for us to work on.  Because of their relationship, I often ended up chatting with Julie and we developed a bit of a school house friendship.  
As the school year began and Doodle adjusted to her new class, I continued to chat with Julie while waiting to pick Doodle up at the end of the day.  We swap kid stories, and adventures.  She was thrilled when we shared the news of a baby.  She was also one of the few people who immediately realized our dilemma regarding due date and moving.  She quietly reassured me (sometimes daily) that everything would work out.  When we got the results from our quad screen and we were faced with the possibility of Downs, Julie was one of the few people I shared with.  In some ways because we weren't super close it was easier to open up to her.  She had also shared some pregnancy difficulties with me, and I knew she would understand.  Throughout the weeks until our anatomy scan, she kept tabs on me, and encouraged me.  I don't know that she realized how much it meant and continues to mean to me.  The morning after our scan she oohed and aahhed at the sonogram picture and reassured me yet again. I know that she was put in my life for just this purpose, to help me remember what is really important.  I am so grateful for her constant presence, and the wonderful educational start she gave Doodle.  I will miss her greatly next year! 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bubbie Does It Better

Most mornings Doodle asks for cereal for breakfast.  We are super health conscious at our house and she has a limited choice of cereal..... froot loops, coco puffs, cheerios (honey nut of course) and just do we don't go into sugar overload checks.  Like I said, we are healthy.  Well a few weeks ago as we were coming down stairs Doodle asks if we can have fried moxah.  I know, you have no idea what I am talking about.  Don't worry, neither did I.  She repeated herself about 3 times. When I still didn't understand what she wanted she added "fired moxah like Bubbie makes".  And then I realized she was talking about fried matzah.  A full 4 weeks after Passover.  Since we had all the ingredients, I was happy to oblige.  She helped me make it and was very excited to sit down to breakfast.  About 3 bites in, she looks at me and says "Mommy, Bubbie makes this better!"  I had to agree with her.  There are somethings you mommy always makes better!
April 16 (270/365)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

But I'm Just Too Little

I have posted before about Doodle being small.  She is 3.5 years old and weighs 24 pounds and is 34in tall (I think).  We are constantly walking a fine line between encouraging her to be independent despite her lack of height, and making sure she stays safe.  She is just starting to be aware that she is smaller than other people.  Sometimes it is in relation to us "mommy, you are taller than me", and sometimes it is in relation to her friends "mommy I am smaller than Jayburb".  Up until recently it has just been a statement of fact.  She hadn't realized that her height affected what she could and could not do.
During Doodle's spring break we spent a fun filled day at the Harrisonburg children's museum.  We went with a couple of our neighbors and the kids had a great day.  While we were there, I took this picture of Doodle.  She climbed up on the shelf, and because she is the size she is, she fit.  I remember thinking when I took it, "good thing you aren't much bigger".

April 12 (267/365)
That night as she was getting ready for bed, I was chaining her diaper (I know, we will get there someday) and she was chatting away. I can't remember what she was talking about, but she told me she couldn't do it because she was too little.  It was the first time I remember her realizing her height was limiting her abilities. It broke my heart just a little bit.  And the image of her sitting on the shelf popped in my head.  And I immediately started telling her that she could learn to do whatever it was she was talking about.  
I don't mean to sound melodramatic.  Being short is not the end of the world.  In fact it has it's advantages sometimes.  But, she is starting to realize that kids her age will probably be faster, stronger, taller, and bigger.  All kids are going to have their stumbling blocks and challenges, she is just discovering one of hers early in life.  Having been there, done that, I don't ever want Doodle to use it as an excuse.  I want her to be confident and strong and assertive.  I want her to problem solve and use her creativity to figure out how to get what she wants no matter how high above her head it is.   Those desires for my little Doodle force me to watch her struggle to climb in a chair, give me the patience to encourage her to pull the stool all over the kitchen so she can help me do chores, cause me to slow my steps so her little legs can keep up, and remind me to breath when she tries something a little dangerous and scary for the first time.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Random Recall

And once again, life has gotten in the way of blogging. We have been chugging along (at a slightly slower preggo pace) trying to get all our ducks in a row.  So here I sit in Starbucks ready to get busy blogging and I realize that I don't have my you know what together.  I don't have pictures downloaded where they need to be.  Oh well.  I guess one post is better than none!  There is not much theme to what I've got here, and there are some good stories in the middle.  so I'm just going to post some random pictures out of order and save the good stories for individual posts!

April 10 (265/365)
April 11 (266/365)

We enjoyed a lovely family dinner out and discovered that fries make a great dessert... when they are made of funnel cake, topped with ice cream and whip cream, and served with 3 spoons! 

April 13 (268/365)

I attempted to get a good shot of the juice droplets on the cucumber.  Notice I said attempted.  It didn't work.  My intention was good.  When I took this picture, I remember thinking of summer time.  Not sure why, but that was where my brain was.

April 14 (269/365)

Here's a shot of Landlord's Youngest and Doodle being silly!  We spent a lovely, hot morning at the elementary school playground.
April 15 (270/365)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Slide Bowling

One of the things I will miss most about VA is the friendships we have made.  And I don't mean just my friendships.  I will truly miss the friendships that Doodle has made.  It has been wonderful to help her understand how to be a friend and to watch her love her friends and see them as part of her family.  It has also been really fun to see how different friends bring out different qualities in her personality.  A few weeks ago we were at Landlord's house playing with Eldest and Youngest and was struck by how Eldest has really encouraged Doodle to be and explorer!  Eldest, who recently turned the ripe old age of 5, is always ready to explore something, a bug, a tree, the dry pond, anything the sparks her curiosity.  That love of discovery funnels down to Doodle and she is willing to follow Eldest to the ends of the Earth.  Okay, well at least to the end of the neighborhood dry pond.  After the kids had finished an exploring session, they turned their attention to the slide.  As moms do, Landlord and I began talking and pretty much ignored the kids since there was no screaming, crying, or whining involved.  When we decided to be attentive parents a few minutes later I was horrified to find Doodle going down the slide on her belly head first and plowing into Eldest's and Youngest's shins.  Now, don't stress out too much.  It is a 2 ft long slide and there was no momentum behind my tiny one.  As I opened my mouth to give Doodle a strong correction, Landlord grabbed my arm and tried not to laugh out loud.  "They are bowling" she said through stifled giggles.  And sure enough as we watched the three of them took turns being the "ball" and the "pins".  It was pretty fantastic.  As I looked at the pictures I realize that as Eldest has grown and matured, she is teaching Doodle to play imaginary games like "slide bowling" and "giant panda".  And because it is happing in the back yard, I get so see it and smile.  It also struck me how much we will miss them when our time here is done.  
April 9 (264/365)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Little Love From B&Z

I am a lucky girl that my mom works in a public school.  Lucky because she gets vacations in the middle of the year and she chooses to spend those vacations with me.  Okay, maybe I am not the biggest draw, but their desire to see Doodle makes it so that I get to see them too.  This year spring break couldn't have come at a better time.  I was emotionally overwhelmed with my life and all the changes and stress that have come in the last few months.  Add to this that My Favoritest had been working crazy long hours for the past 6 weeks and I was really ready for extra adults in the house.  It was nice to not have to do everything for a few days.  And Doodle loved having The Bubbie and The Zayde "spin" time with her. Here's a bit of what the week looked like!

We started off the week with a visit from my Aunt Marianne and Uncle Rick.  My Favortiest and I hadn't seen them since our wedding (they live in South Dakota).  It was wonderful to spend a little time with them.  and I was so excited to introduce them to Doodle.

The next day The Bubbie was in charge of outdoor recreation supplies.  A long trip to Walmart yielded groceries for the week and lots of new outside toys to enjoy the spring weather.  Of course, what is a t-ball set without a family game of t-ball.
April 2 (257/365)

The fun of the new toys carried over into the next day.  Jayburb came over to check out the new stuff and play in the courtyard.  Now, Sisterwife and I like to think that our kids are well within the normal range of intelligence.  If you had watched them play a game I can only call "tree ball" you might question our judgement a little.  The basic idea was to throw a ball in the tree and try to get it stuck.  Of course the tree is small, the ball is big, and it didn't get stuck.  Instead, the tree and falling leaves repeatedly bounce in their faces.  This caused lots of giggling and incentive to repeat the process.... for at least an hour!
April 3 (258/365)
The weather turned cooler and it required indoor entertainment.  And what better way to entertain yourself inside then by flinging yourself onto the couch?  It gave me a chance to take my camera off auto and play with my settings.  I was pretty impressed with my ability to freeze her without the help of the camera.

April 4 (259/356)

Doodle was really excited that The Bubbie and The Zayde were going to be in town for her spring show at school.  I am sure B&Z were thrilled too.  Please remember The Zayde was the man who asked if he could pay extra money and not go to my dance recitals.  Well they came, they saw, and she didn't do much.  In the fall show, she hid and cried.  The Christmas show she sat on stage thanks to bribery.  This time she picked on her lip, chewed on her finger, and did participate in one song.  We are making progress.
April 5 (260/365)
Her one bit of participation "Here is the church"

As the visit went on, Doodle realized how captive her audience was.  She started to come up with new ways to entertain herself and her grandparents.  Her best creation was a set of "steps" made out of various stools in our house.  She would walk up the steps and reenact an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  It involves reaching high, the reach higher, now reach highest of all!
April 6 (261/365)
The visit ended with Passover and a lovely seder at Jayburbs house.  Here's a pic of Doodle and dressed up:)
April 7 (262/365)
After such a busy week, the only thing left to do was tell The Bubbie and The Zayde good bye and have a lazy lazy pajama day!

April 8 (263/365)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I love living in our little bitty town. Don't get me wrong, there are negatives about it, but overall we can't complain.  This spring we have discovered another great thing about Crozet..... Old Trail Soccer.  It is a soccer program for 3-5 year olds.  It is so low key, focused on skill building and not winning/losing.  It has been a great way to introduce Doodle to the idea of being part of a team and making a commitment to something.  The best part it, it is FREE!!!  All that is asked is that parents participate and help with snacks.  You can't get any better than that.  So here are a few pictures from our first day at soccer.
Doodle sporting her new Blasters shirt.
March 31 (255/365)
 Jayburb explaining to Doodle how "Eggs in a Basket" works.  In case you are not familiar picture 100 soccer balls in a line in the middle of the field.  Now picture 100 3-5 year olds in a line blob at one goal.  The coach blows a whistle and all 100 munchkins run for the balls.  The object is to get ANY ball and dribble it down the field to the opposite goal.

 And Doodle is off to find a ball!

Overall she did a great job.  For my sometimes shy kid, she took it in stride.  There was only a little whining and complaining.  And based on previous observation of preschool sports, at least we didn't end up sitting down picking these
March 30 (254/365)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Doodle's Future Job

One of the hardest things to adjust to during this Fellowship adventure has been the lack of control over My Favoritiest's schedule and the lack of give and take.  When he was in private practice, he worked long hours.  But he also got random days off.  He stayed at the hospital all night long then too, but I didn't have to wait in the waiting room to see our pediatrician.  And oh yeah, there was the monetary compensation that made all those long hours bearable.  In the almost 3 years we have been living the life of a Fellow, I haven't found many "perks" to his job.  Well, I finally figured it out.... access to an ultrasound machine:)  Pediatric Cardiologists have to learn to do fetal echocardiograms.  So.... they have to use the fancy ultrasound machine.  For me, this has meant a few extra ultrasounds so My Favoritest could practice his skills.  It has also meant that Doodle got to go with us and "see" her baby sister on the TV.  Doodle is interested for about 30 seconds and then is more interested in watching TV on the phone.  The last time we went, she decided that she was going to use my phone to document the event with pictures.  I ended up with lots of pictures of the floor, my water bottle and these two gems of My Favoritest and I.
April 29 (253/365)

Fast forward a couple of days and I am sitting on the couch.  Doodle tells me "open your belly mama" as she starts to pull my shirt up.  She has a flashlight in one hand and very serious look on her face.  She proceeded to put the flashlight on my belly and then with great concern looked at the tv and said "but mama, it's not working."  I was puzzled and couldn't quite figure it out.  The Bubbie was here and she immediately knew what Doodle was doing.  She was pretending to do an ultrasound on the baby.  

March 1 (256/365)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Witching Hour

I am guessing that if you talk to anyone with young kids they will tell you that the hour or so before dinner time until you put the little lovelies to bed is the same thing as a 3 hour guided tour through Hell.  Our house is no different.  It begins when we come in from playing and I start getting dinner ready.  In the middle of this, the beasts need to be fed.  My Favoritest calls to update his ETA.  I realize I forgot and ingredient.  Doodle whines.  It goes downhill from there.  When my Favoritest finally arrives home the beasts and Doodle simultaneously go crazy barking and shrieking with delight.  Time to eat arrives and it's a toss up as to weather this is a quality time or chaos.  Following dinner, the rush to get the kitchen clean and toys picked up before putting Doodle to bed.  Which bring us to the pictures:)  We have been trying to teach Doodle to pick her toys.  It has been a bit of a battle.  And here is an example of that:)

We begin with discussions what has to be done to clean up.  Then follows the "I can do it by myself" phase of cleaning.
April 28 (252/365)
Followed by the "I can't do this" falling out on the floor.

 And once we finally manage to get the toys all picked up, we head upstairs to being the bed time routine and we are all grateful to see the sunset on another 3 hour tour:)

April 27 (251/365)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Silly Girl!

One of the funnest parts of watching Doodle grow up, has been to see her personality develop.  She is like her daddy in lots of ways.  My parents say she is the spitting image of me personality wise.  I hope she is a perfect mixture of both of us.  What I know for sure is that her personality is growing and changing every single day.  Here are just a few shots of the silliness that is my Doodle Bug:)

She loves to make you smell her stinky feet.  Why is it that kids are so amused and humored by the thought of their feet being stinky?  And by the way, since you can't see her nasty toe nails (straight from her daddy's side of the family) doesn't she have the cutest little piggies ever:)

March 24 (248/365)
So, she only like sunglasses in the house.  I don't know why.  She doesn't like to wear them where it is sunny and they would help to keep the sun out of her eyes.  

March 25 (248/365)
And this is the picture that blew my mind.  This is my child's hand.  That is sidewalk paint she is rolling all over her hand.  Anyone who knows Doodle knows that she doesn't like to be dirty.  At all.  My Favoritest and I opened a Valentine's Day card made at school.  It had her handprints on it.  We oohed and aahhed over the card.  All she would tell us was "And Miss Julie clean my hands off!"  So when she decided to take paint and roll it all over her hands I almost fell off the step I was sitting on.  Don't get too excited that she might be following in my messy footsteps.  It was a short lived dip into messy land.  It lasted about 10 minutes.  And the next time we played with the pain she cried when a little got on her hand.  But here is proof that she did in fact live in the moment for a minute:)

March 26 (276/365)
And here is an added bonus picture of her artistic abilities.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hat Matches

We spent a lovely Friday night at the UVA baseball game.  Before Doodle and I drove into town to pick up My Favoritest, he called and told Doodle to remember to get their matching ball caps.  Now, I don't know what life is like with your kids, but in our house anything that matches rules!  It doesn't matter what matches, food, hair, clothes, actions, it doesn't matter.  If you match Doodle, her heart is happy.  So you can imagine her disappointment when I pulled out those "matching" ball caps for Doodle to realize that they didn't match exactly.  Silly me, I told her when we got to the baseball game, we could get her and daddy new matches.  
It was the first thing she told her daddy when we picked him up.  It was also what she told the nice gentleman who took her ticket.  She couldn't wait to get her "matches with daddy".  Of course My Favoritest thought it was crazy to buy her a new ball cap just so she could match him.  I told him that matching with me was something easy and something that she could do any time she wanted.  Matching her daddy is harder, and sooner she won't want to match him at all.  He shrugged his shoulders, said your right, and headed to the hat vendor.  

This might be one of my favorite pictures of Doodle in a long time, except for the fact that after looking at the picture I realized how terrible short her shorts are.  Please know, that her booty shorts were replaced within 10 days of this photo being taking (and it was not shorts weather during those 10 days).
April 23 (247/365)
 And here is Doodle with her Daddy sporting their matches.  I love that she loves her Daddy!

 Even better than getting matches, was the giant bag of Kettle corn.  We all enjoyed that.  Pretty much that is what Doodle at for dinner:)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beagle Buddy

I know I complain about the beagle often. But every so often we have a couple of days where I just adore that dog.  This is one of those times.  Doodle loves him every day.  I know that The Beagle loves her, but I am not sure why he tolerates her sometimes.  I guess these two pictures explain a lot.  Torture and reward.  Love and hate.  Enemies and friends.

Doodle trying to make The Beagle have a pretend drink

April 21 (245/365)
 The next morning, breakfast buddies.  The Beagle is hoping for a treat from the snack cup:)
April 22 (246/365)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Life In Still Motion

Okay, so I fell off the blogger wagon again.  No excuses, just life getting in the way of life:)  I am going to try and get caught up a quickly as a I can.  I know that as the arrival of Sadie grows ever closer, I will have less and less time to work on this and I would like to be up to date when she arrives.  That being said, here's a few still life shots!

The love hate relationship I have with Little Friends (Squinkies) continues.  At least they stay still for pictures.  Bonus points if you can spot 2 famous little friends:)

April 18 (242/365)
First flowers of spring were coming up!

April 19 (243/365)
I was trying to get a reflection of the train in the open window.  Harder than I thought it would be!
April 20 (244/365)