Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Just Gotta Push!

Day 23: Black and White

Ahhh freedom to take pictures of what ever I wanted today.  I act like there is a man with a gun ready to take aim and fire if I don't follow the directions.  What I wanted was a picture of Doodle and all her Frwends in her bed.  What I got was soooo much better.  For months now, Doodle has been trying to climb into her crib.  Yes, I know she is almost 3 and still in a crib (and still SLEEPS with a paci).  Yes, I know if she can climb in she can climb out.  What you don't know is that she is a rule follower and knows her climbing limitations.  She has known how to climb out since December, but will not even try to throw a leg over because she knows she would fall and get hurt.  What you also may not realize is that my kid (God bless her soul) wakes up happy and stays happy in her crib for a long time (enough time to empty the dishwasher, take a shower, and throw on clothes).  The way I see it, we have the perfect set up.  She won't climb out, she is happy even when awake, and I don't have to worry about her.  Well, I have a feeling that is all about to change.  See for yourself.

I want to try!
I just have to push with my legs

I think I could do it Mommy!
 She is so proud of her latest accomplishment.  We have started to discuss making her bed a big girl bed like her  friend Japurb's bed.  This kind of talk always leads to a very long run on sentence with lots of excited stuttering about going to see Japurb and Sammy (the dog).  The adults in the household have discussed the conversion process and may attempt it this weekend.  I hope that her agreeability about a big girl bed has more follow through than her desire to have a little yellow potty (that has a twin white potty that both do nothing but collect dust in the bathrooms).  The adults have also discussed how many more "frwends" Doodle with have once she is like the cool big kids.  Just imagine what she can put in her bed then!
I got a lotta frwends!

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