Sunday, June 5, 2011

Breakfast in Bed

Day 5: Breakfast

We have formed a weekend tradition in our house.  Don't get all mushy and sentimental.  It is a tradition born out of laziness and fatigue.  It is not our finest parenting moment, but it sure makes the daily 7:00am wake up call easier to handle two days a week.  On the weekends, as Doddle and the dogs start waking up, my Favoritest and I decide on our jobs.  Job 1- feed dogs, let them out, gather supplies (ie fruit loops and sippy cup of milk).  Job 2- get Doodle, change diaper, get entertainment (dvd of toddler's choice) ready.  Usually my Favoritest takes dog duty, because he can sleep while they go out, and he can't fix a diaper while half asleep.  I gather Doddle and her friends and bring them to our bed.  I get the entertainment ready.  Favoritest brings the ever important supplies.  We all get under the covers.  I usually read, check facebook, or doze.  My Favoritest goes back to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.  Doodle, crunches Fruit Loops and sips on milk and watches her movie.  Yes, it is lazy.  Yes, the T.V. probably rots her brain cells a little at a time.  Yes, we get to rest and relax for an extra hour!  Don't judge.  If you are a parent, you know you do it too!  So here is my picture of breakfast
Don't worry, she gets second breakfast that includes something of nutritional value as soon as we go downstairs.  Also, don't worry, in order to get out of the bed there is usually lots of tickling, snuggling, and kisses.  It may be lazy, but it's a great way to start the day a couple of times a week!

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