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Spin Time
My previous post showed me getting ready to eat a meal with the challenges of The Claw. What I didn't tell you was that while that meal was delish, it ended badly for Doodle. Towards the end of dinner she started talking about getting down because she wanted to "spin with Daddy". We talked about who dinner was not time for spinning. We kept asking her what she meant. She just got louder, more demanding, and angry because we didn't understand her. She wouldn't give in. She wouldn't eat and was just being a pain. We ended up threatening her with no story before bed unless she calmed down. She is stubborn and wouldn't let spin time go. So she got no story.
The next night my friend Amy brought us yummy dinner. Doodle asked if dinner was ready and I said yes it was ready, btu we were going to wait for Daddy to come home. She said "So we can spin time with our fambily?" And then it hit me! While I was hearing spin, she was saying/meaning spend. She wanted to SPEND time with her family! I was immediately hit with a huge wave of mommy guilt. Poor kid was demanding to spend time with her Daddy and we sent her to bed without a story for being sassy! It was a Mom of the Year moment! Needless to say, over the next few days we had a lot of what we are now calling "Spin Time". We started the weekend off eating that dinner as a family!
March 16 (240/365) |
Saint Patrick's Day was Saturday and we took Doodle for lunch at Bodo's and then we went to the playground to play in the sunshine with the rest of C'ville! I am always amazed at the influence of my Favoritest on Doodle. She is a daddy's girl. She tries different food if he is eating it. She is a little braver when he is around. And she is much more independent when he is involved! I think I tend to push her a little too far too fast. My Favoritest tends to give her a little more silent support and so she goes a little further. Case in point. She has tried these swinging disk things every time we go to the park. And every time she gets to the first one and gets off. One afternoon with daddy and she is going all the way across almost by herself! I have always said one of the reasons that I love my Favoritest is that he balances me out. The longer we parent together, the more I realize this is so true even in our parenting styles. My girls are going to grow up realizing that there are different ways to reach the same goal!
March 17 (241/365) |
That's almost as bad as me sticking MK in the corner because I thought she was ignoring me talking to her. The reality was, she could not hear anything I said. Her ENT doc cheered me right up the next day. He glances up while he's examining MK, and says "Oh, I bet you feel like a butt, don't you?"
ReplyDeleteWhat am I going to do with you being on the other side of the world from me soon! Love this!!