Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Cow Jumped Over the Moon

Do you ever wonder what is going on inside the mind of a toddler?  Yesterday, I got a rare glimpse into the workings of my little one's mind.  While eating our lunch, Doodle starts saying "the cow jump over the moon!"  "Mommy, and the cow jump over the moon."  I was about to remind her about not singing at the table when she thrust her grape in my face.  I looked at her strangely as she repeated the end of the nursery rhyme for the 3rd or 4th time, and then I looked at the grape.  Sure enough, if you look at it with the eyes of an almost 3 year old, you can see the moon, and possibly a cow jumping over it.
August 10 (19/365)
So, I made good on my promise to have  a more interesting photo!  I'm just a day late posting it.

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing! I actually see the alleged Angus poking his darkened head up from behind the base of the semi-naked, crescent-shaped epicarp.
