Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Dear Doodle,

Today you turn 4! All week I have been teasing you that you can't get any older. That is because if I could freeze you right now I would. You have grown up so much in the last year it is hard to imagine who you were this time a year ago. And what a year it has been! You have accomplished so much this year.

You kicked the diapers to to curb (thanks to Bubbie). That was a long time coming and you are so proud of it! You became more confident and independent. This has been one of my wishes for you for a long time. Today when you enter a new place, you look at it with and inquisitive gleam in your eye instead of the downward gaze of a year ago. You have learned to write your letters. You are still obsessed with letter sounds and numbers. You have a vivid imagination and spend hours playing with your friends. It makes my heart smile to know that Me-Me and Tuck (your best friends since you were 18month old) are still hanging out on your bookshelf each night. You learned to ride your balance bike like a pro and decided that soccer is kind of fun.

Your greatest accomplishment this year is that you have become the best big sister ever! I often tell people that you are obsessed with you sister. From the minute you met her in the hospital, you have loved her. You are never cross or jealous that she needs so much attention. You welcome her into routines like bed time that used to be just for you. You love to make her smile and talk to you. SJ is so lucky to grow up with you as her sister!

The last few months of your 3s have been hectic, unpredictable, and full of change. You have moved to a new city and new house, gotten a sister, started at a new school and you have dealt with all of it without missing a beat. I am constantly reminded that if you can do all that without totally loosing your cool, I can keep myself together too! You and I have spent a lot of time together this summer. I will freely admit that my patience has sometimes worn thing with your constant chatting! But I will also freely admit that if you weren't hanging around chatting my ear off I would be bored and lonely!

As you turn four, I wish for more of the same for you. I can't wait to see what you learn, discover, and accomplish. Each night, when we say shema and talk to God, I always thank Him for keeping our family safe, healthy and happy. That is really all I wish for you for the rest of your life. As long as you have those three things, everything else will fall into place!

Happy Birthday Doodle!

My last glimpse at Doodle as a 3 year old

And my first glimpse at Doodle as a 4 year old!

1 comment:

  1. Bringing tears to my eyes Auntie!!!! We must skype later so I can give some birthday wishes. Love you guys
