Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We've Been Busy!

October 15-21
This was the start of a really long couple of weeks for the our family.  My Favoritest was out of town for a few weeks and then was working like a mad man for the next two weeks.  In preparation for long solo parenting I had made up my mind to use the alone time to my advantage.  I wanted to work on projects and had  big plans for things to do while My Favoritest was absent.

Fairy in Progress
The first project I decided to tackle was Doodle's costume.  She declared she wanted to be Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street.  I looked at costumes online and wasn't thrilled with them.  So I got crafty and decided to make her costume.  I made Doodle try it on while it was in progress just to make sure it fit and looked right.
October 15 (86/365)
Moon Setting
Love seeing the moon when you shouldn't.  This was taken at about 8:15 in the morning.  Not when you think you would see the moon!  Doodle has been fascinated with the moon lately and loves to see it day or night:)
October 16 (87/365)
Tricky Tuckster
Doodle has lots of toys.  The toy that have stood the test of time are Ming-Ming and Turtle Tuck.  Two pvc figurines from The Wonderpets.  For a long time, they went everywhere with us.  Currently they play second fiddle to other toys, but Me-Me-Tuck is always in the back of her mind.  And when she wants them, it is imperative that we find them.  Did I mention they are little?  Did I mention we have hard wood floors and they slide all over the place? Did I mention they like to play in sneaky places like kitchen drawers, dishwashers, and random toys?  All that being presented to you, I am sure you can imagine how much of my life has been devoted to finding those jokers!  Tuck presented the trickiest of hide and seek games a couple of weeks ago.  Doodle started looking for him before her nap.  We checked all his usual haunts (the Weeble house, under the couch, behind the sub-woofer), but no Tuck.  Doodle went down for a nap, woke up, and continued to look for Tuck.  No luck.  I got out a flashlight and hunted for him everywhere.  Finally, we found him!  He had slid under the folded dinner chair and then a mini-stool had been pushed up in front of him.  He was only visible from a couple of wacky angles!
October 17 (88/365)

Lucinda's Leftovers
I have never claimed to be a neat and tidy girl.  I don't put things away.  I forget to finish tasks.  There is always something better to do than cleaning.  When I do clean, I joke that my alter ego Lucinda the house keeper has come over.  Well, the other day I went into the spare bathroom and realized that Lucinda hasn't been doing her best work.
October 18 (89/365)
It's kind of hard to see, but there is a giant spider web in the corner.  It looked really cool in the mirrors.

When Doodle was just learning to feed herself, The Bubbie was watching her eat peas.  The Bubbie commented that she couldn't wait to until Doodle figured out that the pea could pop out of it's skin.  Well, a couple of years later she sort of figured it out, but with sugar snap peas.  This one's for you Bubbie.
October 19 (90/365)
Whach You Hear Mommy?
Doodle's latest favorite questions to ask are "Do you hear something?" and "Ohh Mommy, whach (what) you hear?"  As we were leaving for school one morning, the bird where making quite a ruckus.  Doodle was very amused by their chatter and kept asking what I heard.  We looked up in the tree and saw a bunch of crows.  I ran in to grab the camera and most of them flew away before I got the shot.  But I did get a few.
October 20 (91/365)
As the last bird flew off Doodle looked at me and said "mommy, they all gone put your camera down."

Light as a Feather
Doodle is little.  She is petit.  She is compact.  She is a peanut.  The one advantage I have discovered for her is that she is easy to pick up and toss around.  My Sisterwife enjoys doing this anytime she gets ahold of Doodle.  This day I happened to have my camera and got some great pictures of my baby girl's smiling face!  Thanks Sisterwife!
October 21 (92/365)

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