Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 5-11

I did it again.  I got so close to being caught up that I relaxed and got busy doing other things.  Mainly cleaning and preparing for holiday company.  So, not I a few weeks behind again.  Oh well.  You still seem to be checking it out, so I'll keep sharing.  

Beagle Badness
I have discovered that when I am out of ideas for pictures, there is always the dogs.  Sometimes I click a couple off just because they look sweet and peaceful and sometimes is is purely filling the square for the day.  This time, it was a square filler, but I love this picture of the Bad Beagle!

November 5 (107/365)
Brrrr...... Rabbit

That's some crazy saying I picked up along the way and now I say it when ever it is a little chilly outside.  Doodle even says it.  While I love many things about VA, the cold weather isn't always one of them.  I don't mind the chill in the air so much as the extra work that comes along with it.  Winter weather just slows me down.  You have to wait for the car to warm and the windshield to defrost.  You have to put jackets, hats, gloves, scarves on.  You have to take them off.  Then there is the snow.  I won't even get started on that.  So I guess winter is not my favorite season.  This picture should be all the more impressive then, that I took a small amount of joy in finding my windshield frosted over for the first time this season.  The picture is of the town house across the street.  I took it from inside my car and the windshield was almost completely defrosted. 

November 6 (108/365)
Wow, Wow, Water

My second cousin Barbara rocks.  Believe it or not, I haven't met her face to face.  But she has really been an inspiration to me and this picture journey.  She takes some amazing pictures.  She sees things with a different set of eyes.  I don't want to say I try to copy her, but I do try and see things the way she does.  She has taken some awesome pictures and often finds some really cool stuff in her photos.  She posted some pictures of water streams a while back, and I was inspired to try it.  So here is a stream of water with a bubble in the middle.  Behind the water is a pair of Doodle's striped pants.  You can see the stripe much sharper in the bubble.
November 7 (109/365)
Profiles in Courage

What can I say, they caught my eye.  It was a great profile silhouette of Doodle's two besties.
November 8 (110/365)
Winter Woes

I have already mentioned my dislike for all the extra work that winter brings.  I also have a gripe against the time change that comes with it.  I don't like the sun setting earlier.  I miss my afternoons in the courtyard.  A wise friend keeps reminding me that her husband reminds her that by December 22, the days will start to get longer.  Not much help.  I am trying to find beauty in the early setting of the sun.  

November 9 (111/365)

November 10 (112/365)
Funny Face

I am sure I have mentioned the train that runs Right. By. My. House. before.  Mostly I am ambivalent to it unless Doodle is in one of her "terrified of the Choo-Choo" phases.  Sometimes I even enjoy it.  When it is stopped on the track for an entire day, I love it:)  Gave me a chance to play with the telephoto lens.  Also helped me to see the creator of Thomas wasn't all that crazy.  I mean, I see a little smiling face on the side of the train..... why is it so far fetched to see (with a little help from drugs), one in the front.

November 11 (113/365)


  1. You take such great pictures! That cameras was a great gift for really have the best pictures!

  2. What a great collection Iz. The frosted glass house is so unique and beautiful. Looks like a gallery painting. The rainbow laundry bubbles has such a cool mix of textures, from a classy crystal contrast to a goopy neon glow. LOVE IT. The creativity in the B&W profiles... the drama of the sunsets... the homey comfort of your beagle - all so moving. And you're right! That smily face is SO clear in the train image - just like one of those engine faces from Thomas The Train. Nice catch.

    Your voice is emurging more and more with each image you share; one with so much to say. For our sake, keep talkin'.
