We are slowly getting ready for the arrival of Sadie Jane. Since we have already been there and done that, there isn't much that we need to do. Between the bulk of thinks we have left over from Doodle and the impending move the instinct to nest has been put on the back burner. There are a couple of things that we needed to get ready for number two. One was a stroller to hold both girls. I know, Doodle is going to be 4 in october, but remember she has short legs and they tire easily. Besides, as I learned from my dear friend Matt Saw Abear you aren't done with strollers until one collapses on you going up the curb:) So, we purchased a new stroller that can be a single or a double. Here is Doodle modeling her new ride. She loves it because she can climb in by herself! We will see how much she likes it when she is on the bottom!
April 27 (281/365) |
Bonus Belly Pic 29 weeks |
Because there are a few other odds and ends that we need to get, I emptied my friend the piggy bank! We don't spend change in our house, it all goes into a piggy bank I painted years ago during a visit with my younger more fun mom:) It's missing an ear, but still holds a ton of change! My plan is to take that bag of money to the coinstar machine, get an amazon gift card and finish picking up the odds and ends that we need.
April 30 (284/365) |
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