Thursday, June 21, 2012


I've been posting a lot about my friends lately.  Not sure why, but I am going with it.  I am a lucky girl to have the circle of friends that I do!  Among those friends, is Funboy (he picked his own blog name:).  He is my best friend from high school. My earliest memories of him are centered around the fact that I thought he was a total and complete jerk.  I can't count the number of lunches I spent with Funboy pestering the ever living crap out of me.  One day, I had enough and snapped at him.  From then on out, he stopped pestering me.  Much later he told me that he was just seeing how far he could push me.

In the 17 years since we became friends, he has almost totally erased that memory of a complete jerk.  We have seen each other through many ups and downs.  He was my rent-a-date all through college.  He kept me safe and held my hair on nights I had too much.  He called me when giant imaginary cheeseburgers were chasing him.  I called him after my first date with My Favoritest to tell him what a bad date I was!  I bought him a drink before he walked down the aisle (sorry KAD).  He did a reading at my wedding and is still bitter I didn't let him be a bridesmaid.  I have had the joy of watching his daughter and now his son grow up and make him an even better person.  He's tried to set my backyard on fire.  He was one of the first friends to come visit Doodle when we got home from the hospital.  In short, we have been a constant in each other's lives for 17 years.

There's that famous movie line about men and women being friends.  We have definitely proved that saying wrong.  I am convinced that the reason our friendship has endured this long is that Funboy's wife (KAD) and I have become good friends, and My Favoritest and Funboy get along well when they get the chance to spend time together.  We can spend time together as families.

Recently Funboy upgraded to and iPhone and I get lots of texts and pics of the kids from him.  He refuses to join FB (and I don't really understand google+), so this has been his way of staying in touch.  Anyway, a couple of weeks ago my phone rang and it was him.  Only he didn't realize he had called.  I sent him a text telling him he butt-dialed me.  And this is what I got back in return....

May 28 (312/365)
So, I didn't take the picture, but I am using it.  Mostly because his friendship is a story I wanted to share:)  Love ya Funboy!

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