At about 4:00 on the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, my Favoritest called from work asking if I wanted to bring Doodle and meet him downtown for Friday's After Five. The city has a free concert every Friday from late spring to early fall. We always talk about going, but it just never works out. My Favoritest also complains that I am never excited about going to hear live bands (something he really enjoys). It's not that I don't enjoy it, I just sometimes get wrapped up in the "getting there" part that becomes my responsibility. That is my reaction on any given day. Now add to that at the time of the phone call I was 33 weeks pregnant and it was almost 90 degrees outside, you can imagine my initial reaction.
After I told him no and hung up the phone, I started to have Wife Guilt. Equal to Mommy Guilt because you know you are hurting someone you love with your decision (even if it isn't important in the grand scheme of things). Even worse than Mommy Guilt because the other person can really rub the guilt in:) So I picked up the phone, called him back and told him we would pick him up in 45 minutes. I woke Doodle up and we headed to town. I have to admit, even though it was hot I am so glad we went. We had a relaxing evening as a family. Doodle enjoyed the music and the chance to dance. She had a blast riding on her daddy's back. All in all, a great start to a great weekend.
May 25 (309/365) |
Memorial Day weekend is also opening weekend at our local pool. This is monumental on several fronts. First of all, you can almost see the pool from our house and we definitely see it every time we take a walk or drive out of the neighborhood. Second, the shower coming on ( mushroom shaped spray thing) has been a major milestone in our timeline for Sadie's arrival. Doodle was thrilled to get to go the pool. Trying to give My Favoritest some time to get some work done, I took her on my own for a picnic dinner. It was a bit chilly, but she had a great time at our first pool picnic of the summer:)
May 26 (310/365) |
We spent Sunday afternoon at Landlord's house with the neighborhood gang. We laughed a lot! Beer was had by some. And there was lots of good food! When I got home I think I posted on FB that hanging out with my friends makes me equally happy and sad these days. I try not to be Debbie Downer, but can't help but be a little sad that I know it is all coming to and end. We have great friends in our neighborhood and I can't help but be a little sad about leaving them. Speaking of great friends, here is a pic of our neighbor who always knows how to bring the good times! I will admit, I was a little disappointed upon his arrival because his wife told me he was bringing beer in a wheelbarrow. I guess the wagon was just a good:)
May 27 (311/365) |
And here is a picture of Doodle doing her favorite thing to do in Landlord's yard.... climb the tree.
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