Anyone who says animals don't have feelings or emotions, didn't have pets! I don't care what kind of a pet you have, if you love it and care for it you learn to read its emotions. With our pup-pups one look into their eyes can tell you so much. With Lo-Lo the eyes almost always tell you that he is hungry or looking for trouble:) Zoe is a little older and wiser and projects deeper thoughts through her eyes. I can often tell that she is worried, happy, or curious with one look at her face. That being said, these pictures aren't really a fair glimpse into their minds. They were both taken later in the evening when the dogs were sleepy and still.
May 14 (298/365) |
May 15 (299/365) |
So now that I have shared my oldest children at their calmest, here's a little pic of them at their wildest.
May 19 (303/365) |
Zoe was my first child. She was my companion before My Favoritest came into my life. She was the first Big Sister when we got the beagle. And then she became protector over Doodle. I can remember (even before I was pregnant with Doodle) worrying that Zoe would die before I had kids, or that she would die before my imaginary children would remember her as their childhood dog. I know it sounds crazy, but she has been my constant for 12 years (I got her just after graduation), and the thought that I would have children who didn't remember her broke my heart. So on nights when the pups are playing and rough housing my heart sings along with the joyous song of Doodle squealing and giggling in perfect harmony with barks and playful growls.
I know that Doodle will have memories of her Zoe Girl and Lo-Lo. And I know she will think of them as her childhood pup-pups! Now, we just have to keep them both healthy and happy so Sadie can join in the song!
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