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In Case You Were Wondering
So if you know me, you know I can't stand anticipation. If there is something to know, I want to know and I want to know now! When we were pregnant with Doodle, there was never any question about finding out her gender. I had to know. There was so much to do and get ready! Well, this time around there is even more to to before Poppy arrives, but less depends on the gender. This in no way has lessened my need to know! I want to know the person inside of me. I want to call the baby by name. I want to start using a name with Doodle. And want to know what we can keep and what we can sell/donate/leave in storage. Well, we found out! As a side note, I have to tell you about Doodle and Jayburb's discussion regarding how the doctor can tell boy vs. girl. Much to her credit, Sisterwife pretty much stayed out of their conversation. As they discussed how the doctor could tell. It went along the lines of "Doodle is a girl and she wears a bow all the time. So if the baby is a girl the doctor will see a bow on the t.v. screen". And that is how 3 year olds think. Isn't it wonderful!
Well we are excited to say that the doctor saw a bow:) Poppy shall here by be known as
Sadie Jane
January 31 (194/365)
We couldn't be happier to have another little girl join our family! Once we convinced Doodle that she was getting a sister (not a brother like Jayburb) she was very excited! I am thrilled that Doodle will grow up with a sister!
Here is the video that we made of Doodle to share the gender with family and friends:)