Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Future's So Bright

She's gotta wear shades!  After all, the sunshines very bright in her favorite windowsill!  The funny thing is, the kid hates to wear sunglasses in the actual outdoor sunshine!  Silly Girl!

January 2 (165/365)
I know I have complained about our dogs and specifically about The Beagle.  He is B-A-D, but we really do love him!  A few weeks before Chrismukah, Doodle and I went to the pet store to get dog food.  She spotted dog toys and next thing you know, we have holiday gifts for both dogs.  Much like my child loves her toys, so does The Beagle.  Nothing is better to him than a new toy.  They don't last too long because he loves them so much!  The toy in this picture lasted a couple of days before he ripped the poor girraffe's head off!
January 3 (166/365)
Doodle is too young to make resolutions, but if she did, one of them should be "learn to catch a ball".  My kid is good at many things.  Sport.... not so much!  She has great verbal skills, reasoning skills, and a fantastic sense of humor.  But she can't catch a ball so great!  She loves the idea of playing catch.  She asks to play all the time.  It usually involves the ball bouncing into her chin and then rolling back to the other player.  She got a gertie ball for Hanukkah and the soft, squeezable ball is making her catching skills improve.  I set up the camera next to me while we played.  It was kind of fun to see what I "caught".

January 4 (167/365)

On a totally separate note, I love checking the stats for the blog.  I have noticed a constant readership from Russia.  If you read this would love to know more about you and how you found me:)  Leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. I love whatever lens you used to get the catch makes the house look really spacious!!! :-)
