The past two weeks have been really long. My Favoritest has worked really long hours, and as a result I have worked really long hours. Last night when I tucked Doodle into bed, I told her we could spend the day with daddy tomorrow. Her reply was "and the mommy, you go to work." I told her that mommy went to work every day taking care of her and the pup-pups. It flew right over her head! After a long couple of weeks, I really wanted a beer, but we were out. So to relax, I did the next best thing for me. I got crafty/creative. I have been working on several projects and if you walked into
my craft area our spare bedroom you could see the mad ADD mind busy at multi-tasking work! Oh wait, I took a picture so you can see!
August 5 (15/365) |
If you look closely you can see the makings of Doodle's birthday invitation, a baby announcement for a friends son, and some cards for me to keep on hand. I love scrapbooking and making cards. It is my own personal therapy. I can forget about all the things that need to be done and just focus on the project at hand! I also feel like there is a little bit of love put into every hand made creation and I hope that good vibe travels along with the card to the person on the receiving end.
I ended up working on the baby announcements for a while and stayed up much later than I intended. That left me cranky and tired this morning. I also was feeling horrible for my sleep deprived hubby, so I got Doodle up and brought her downstairs to let him sleep a little extra. (unfortunately our weekend ritual of snack cup and tv in mommy and daddy's bed was out of the picture because Doodle didn't nap and lost tv privileges until her next nap). So anyway, being tired and cranky we had a lazy morning. Doodle played with her toys and I half payed attention to her and half to Today. One of the moments I was listening to her never ending chants of "hey mommy, hey mommy, mommy hey" she asked me to take her picture. She then held up her "camera" and said "I take your picture and you take my picture at the same time. Okay? Ready! 1, 2, 3". I think I am using my camera often if this is the pretend play!
August 6 (15/365) |
Too cute!