Wednesday, we had a visit from an old friend. She, her husband, and son were live full time in Saudi Arabia and were finishing up a month long stateside visit. In honor of their visit, I decided to order pizza for dinner. Before the pizza, I did make a from scratch pound cake. I was kind of in a hurry and tried to sneak the cake making past Doodle's watchful eye. It didn't work. As soon as she saw the mixer come out of the cabinet she was running to the kitchen asking to help. So, she helped me count sticks of butter, dump cups of sugar, and spoonfuls of vanilla. She watched in wonder as our pile of ingredients magically changed into batter. As the mixer churned, she started asking if she could taste the batter. I made a show of greasing and flouring the pan. Doodle was horrified that I was making a mess with the "snow". I moved to the sink to finish the process. The whole while, she is asking to taste the cake. Like I said, I was in a hurry so I made her wait until I had the batter all poured into the pan. While I was getting the batter in the pan, I hear her say "Mommy, what happened? It snow on my chair." I glanced over to see flour all over the bar stool she was standing on. Now, please remember, my toddler is freakishly cleanly. Also please visualize panic in her eyes and my hands full scooping batter into the bunt pan. I quickly tell her to stay still and I will clean her chair as soon as I am done. Well, she is freakishly cleanly, but as fidgety as her mommy and within seconds she had "snow" on her feet. So she stood on one foot. By the time I gave her a spoonful of batter, she was so undone with the mess, that I couldn't help myself. I told her I would clean her feet when she was done eating the cake batter. And there you have the Ultimate Doodle Dilemma. Eat sugar or get clean!

Needless to say, she ate the cake batter and dealt with the dirty feet.... for about 2 minutes and then she gave in to her freakishly clean nature and handed me the spoon. She was so proud of the cake when we served it to our guests! And she told them all about the snow!
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