This has been the constant stream of words coming out of my toddler's mouth. I once had a teacher who told us that we had diarrhea of the mouth when we talked too much. That is the situation in my house. And the volume is constantly set on loud with the balance set on squealy-squeaky-high pitch! It has almost sent me in search of a silent convent and a habit, and I am Jewish!! Sunday night, Doodle Skyped with The Bubbie and The Zayde, she was looking through Parenting magazine looking for Elmo. They have an advertisement in the back. She was so absorbed in her search for Elmo, that she almost ignored her doting grandparents. Not only that, but for a few minutes, I didn't hear my name screamed. It was beautiful. And then I had a brilliant thought pop into my head. I grabbed her magazine, and ran to the art supply drawer. I took a couple sheets of Elmo stickers and put them in random places in the magazine. Gave it back to her and told her to look for Elmo and his friends. It worked! There was peace and quiet for a good.... 10 minutes! I must remember this idea for later!
August 7 (16/365) |
So I am a total slacker, and never remembered to get back to this posting. I was feeling slightly guilty about this. I was also trying to think about what else I could share with the world in future posts. Thankfully, lightning struck twice and I had yet another brilliant mommy moment! I know, don't have too much shock and surprise. If you have recovered, I will now share my fantastic idea #2!
Doodle got a couple of foam puzzles for her 2nd birthday. It was a thoughtful gift, Doodle loves puzzles. And she has loved these puzzles since she got them. She also hates them. She can't quite figure them out. I have tried to put them away but she always finds them. Yesterday morning when she pulled them out, I sighed the big sigh. Then, lightbulb!!! I got the camera, and took a picture of each puzzle. ( yes, I am counting this as my picture for the day. I know it is a copout and I will try and do better, but I took a picture so it counts!) I printed the pictures and spent a little bit of time showing Doodle how to look at the picture and look at the puzzle. Miracle of miracles she could put the puzzle together! This was an even more important achievement because she didn't nap AGAIN which meant not TV AGAIN and she lost her "little friends" on of her favorite toys. Between the magazine and the puzzle and a good dose of the angry Mommy eyes, we enjoyed a whine free afternoon! So here is my copout picture of the puzzles and a copout picture of her playing with them this morning:)
August 8 (17/365) |
August 9 (18/365) |
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