August 2 (12/365)
Doing this photo challenge is about learning to use my camera and take better pictures, but it is also for me a way to document and share what's happening in our family. We have some super fun days. There are days that Doodle is so much fun to be around, I am sad to put her to bed. There are days that are full of rainbows and daisies and chirping birdies. Tuesday was not one of those days! Not by a long shot. Tuesday might have looked like all those things transported from a Disney movie straight into South Park. It was that not-happy.
We had a rough morning full of whining, crying, and complaining. So, immediately following lunch, Doodle was tucked in for a nice restful nap. At least that was the plan. To make a long, frustrating, story and little shorter, I will give you a timeline of our non-nap
1:00 Doodle put to bed
1:30 Go upstairs to check on Doodle. She is hiding Llama Llama Red Pajama under her pillows and blankets. This means she has gotten out of bed to get the book. The only rule for nap/night time is "do not get out of bed". The penalty for breaking this rule is that all "friends and books go to time out for an entire day. I take all friends and books out of bed, lay them outside the door and head downstairs.
1:45 Hear singing and talking on monitor. Threaten to take paci away if she isn't going to sleep ( I know sounds like a rediculous threat, but she loves that thing so much it usually works.)
2:00 I said usually works. Not today. I take paci and lay it on top of friends in hallway. I also leave the door cracked so I can check on Doodle easire.
2:15 I listen to the monitor only to hear the distinct sound of a toddler sucking on a paci! I go upstairs and that little sneaky little booger had gotten out of bed, gone out of the room, took her paci back and gotten back in bed! I took paci (and 3 friends she had also rescued) and moved them and those friends left in the hallway to my bed.
2:30 I listen to the monitor. It is quiet. I think I have succeeded. Then I hear a strange thump. A minute later, another thump. I decide to go investigate. I walk into her room to find her squatting down beside the drawer that holds her diapers. I ask her what she is doing. She scurries to the bed and tries to hide the 10-12 diapers that she has laid out on her bed. At this point, I pop that tushie. She finally gets the message that I am not happy and I am not playing. I make her put the diapers away. This is the aftermath of the diaper drawer.
I do not have a picture of the incident because my sneaky little tyke is also smart enough to know if I take a picture of it, I must think it is cute. So I snuck in and took this picture later.
By this time, Doodle is crying so hard and has her feelings so hurt she cannot calm herself down (remember paci is in timeout). So I rock her until she falls asleep. She sleeps for 30 short minutes. That's all I got after that marathon of toddlerness!
At dinner, Doodle and I were discussing why her friends were in time out. She says "Becuase I make bad choices" I ask "what was your bad choice?" Doodle replies "I had lots of Elmo diapers and only one polka dots diaper in my bed!" That kid new just what she was doing and that it was a bad idea!