Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gym Time

Just before SJ was born, my neice Jenny wrote a letter to Doodle about how important it is to be a big sister. I haven't shared the letter with her yet, because I think she is too young to understand it. I am holding on to it until the first time SJ starts to make her crazy wanting to be just like her! The letter was beautiful and made me sob. I think it even made My Favoritest tear up a little. When I wiped the tears from my eyes, I swear in my mind's eye I pictured my girls grown up lying on the bed swapping secrets. What I imagined was a grown up version of this

The story behind this picture is that Doodle and I had picked out a baby gym for SJ at the store. Doodle was super excited about the purchase and wanted me to put it together immediately. I put her off until after she was napping. When she woke up, SJ was laying on the gym and Doodle wanted to get in it with her.

The ariel view is super cute, but this one was even more cute and even more fortelling of what I hope their relationship is like in the future.

The look on both of their faces speaks of secrets, middle school drama, and pre-teen angst! I look forward to them swapping secrets and sharing advice.

What I hope for them most is that they always sleep this peacefully

And that they always kiss each other goodnight and never go to bed angry with each other!

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos. I love the way Doodle Bug looks at SJ, like this new baby is already her best friend, and SJ arches back, craning to get the full picture of what her big sis is saying.Beautiful!
