So after missing 4 pictures in less than a month, I have decided to forgo a picture a day. Really, I am saving you guys from boredom. You see, until we get a little more settled, most of my pictures these days revolve around the girls, and while I know they are the most beautiful kids in the world, it gets old. So, instead of trying to take a picture everyday, I am just going to try and take some here and there. I will continue to share our story and adventure, but with less pressure on myself.
Part of the reason that I have missed several days already has to do with my darling Sadie Jane (for now she will be known as SJ. When a nickname has stuck she will get a real blog alias). She is a beautiful, sweet wonderful baby. Some of the time. more often than not though over the last 2 weeks we have been battling the beast known in our house as GRASS! (Most of you know it as gas). It has not been pleasant in our house. I am not going to lie. Between moving, hormones, and lack of a social outlet, My Favoritest has found me in tears on more than one occasion. Doodle had colic awful. I remember that if she wasn't eating or sleeping she was screaming. SJ has nothing on her at all. SJ is downright miserable and loud. Exhibit A:

The poor kid was having such a hard time last week that she could barely eat a couple of ounces at a time before she would start screaming. She would try to get the grass out anyway she could, but it just rumbled around inside her! When she gets like this, there isn't much that you can do to calm her down besides hold her. Non-stop! And so we have pictures like this
August 9 |
This is pretty much how one of us eats dinner each night. And speaking of dinner. I have the worlds cutest soux chef! You'd be amazed at what you can accomplish with one arm holding 8lbs of dead weight!
August 12 |
In a moment of desperation, I made a late night (and by late night I mean 8:00) Target run to purchase a Dr. Brown's bottle. According to my
extensive Facebook research, they are a life saver for coliky gassy babies. So I bit the bullet, or nipple in this case, and bought one to try out. After washing a refilling the same bottle for 2 days straight, I was a believer. The all day crying had subsided to afternoon crying. A huge improvement. So, I bought more. The reluctance to buy more had little to do with finances and more to do with simplicity. The bottles are a pain to clean. They have a million parts. Okay not a million, 4, but it is still a pain! See what I mean! Try putting on of those together with a screaming baby in your arms at 4 AM!
August 12 |
The bottles have helped, but not solved the problem completly. We still have bad days where I hold her most of the day. And then other days we only have to hold her from about 4PM until 10ish when she passes out. A big improvement. I am trying to remind myself that this is probably our last baby and I need to enjoy the forced bonding time. It is hard to keep that in perspective with Doodle jumping around and the house still looking like a refuge camp, but I am trying. I have to admit, when she looks like this, it is hard not to fall in love with her! I maintain that God made babies cute so they survive!
Here's one of My Favoritest mastering the "Monkey Hold" a move I patented long ago with a now grow Hebert boy:) |
August 9 |
August 9 |
We like to call the look on her face "milk drunk" . It is a blissful moment that comes immediately after a good feeding without grass problems
August 5 |
Of all the holding and patting and rocking, my favorite time has been at night. This girl has some super sweet night moves!
August 2 |
I know the colic is a phase and it will pass. I also know that as it passes we will loose some of this snuggle time. I am really trying hard to focus on that! I am reminding my self of that old saying "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". I know that in a few months when she is to busy exploring the world I will look back on this time and miss my snuggles!
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