Doodle wasn't the only one who was getting a new sibling. By now you know that the pup-pups are part of our family. The Mutt is my first born, The Beagle is our only son. We love them like they are children, but treat them like they are dogs... sort of. When we were pregnant with Doodle, I read books about introducing a new baby to the family. There were suggestions of playing recordings of crying infants, carrying around a baby doll so the dogs could get used to you holding something, and making the baby's room off limits. We didn't go that route. We kind of went the opposite and didn't do much of anything. We let the dogs sniff around Doodle's room. We simply told them no when they got to close to her toys. When Doodle was born, My Favoritest brought home a blanket that we had used with Doodle, so they could learn her scent. We brought that 5 day old baby home, put her carseat on the floor and let the dogs go to town sniffing and licking. From that moment on, Doodle was part of the pack! For better or worse the pup-pups loved her!
Since we did the bare minimum the first go round and it worked out so well, we did even less this time around. Because of the impending move, there was no baby stuff to set up. There wasn't a nursery. And when Sadie was born the dogs were at the kennel 5 hours away. They didn't get properly introduced to Sadie until she was over 2 weeks old. And when they did meet her, they pretty much ignored her. They gave her a look like " oh great, here we go again! As if one of those things wasn't enough for us to take care of!" They would check her out, and then keep on moving. In the last week or so, they have started to take her into the pack. They sit beside her when she is in the bouncy seat. Their ears perk up when she cries. And most recently, they have both decided she might be kind of cuddly!
July 31 (9/365) |
August 1 (10/365) |
Although the picture doesn't show it, she was happy two seconds before this was snapped and two seconds after it was snapped. The Beagle moved to quickly for me to get a second picture!
Absolutely precious!