Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Missing fish

 Last summer, when I started really working on this blog, Doodle was in swimming lessons.  Well, we came full circle and she is back at it.  I must admit, I was a little sad to see that my fish had lost her fins over the winter.  Totally my fault, I didn't take advantage of the indoor pool available to us.  But, hind sight is 20/20 and hopefully I will be a better swim mamma this winter.  We decided to go the laid back route this year.  The YMCA has recently taken over management of our local pool, so we gave it a try. The first few classes were great and I thought we were making progress.  

June 13 (328/365)
Then it wasn't so great and I am confident we regressed.  Doodle was terrified of the water.  She even lied to get out of her turn!  Even worse, she was trying to teach Jayburb how to get out of floating on his back!  We were heading down hill quickly!

June 19 (334/365)
Notice how relaxed she looks!

And this is the trick she was trying to teach Jayburb... If you reach around with your arms you can hold on the the teacher and she can't let go of you!

 I was wondering if more of the same or something different was what we needed.  It broke my heart to see her fearful of something she truly wanted to enjoy.  Truth be told she would be happy floating around on her noodle all day long!  Low and behold, the end of lessons arrived and we had made enough progress to get back where we started from!  Which was really no where.  I was disappointed, but determined.  
And by determined I mean obsessed with making her like the pool again.  So Sunday afternoon we took a family trip to the pool.  We packed a picnic lunch and met our friends.  My Favoritest even graced us with his presence, which is how I got these pictures of the fish transformation!  She jumped off the stairs and went underwater.  She jumped off the side without me holding her hands.  My little fish was back!

She was having so much fun, she wouldn't eat lunch, only wanted to swim.  Which is when the tragedy happened.  The whistle blew.... 20 minutes early.  Why?  It starts with a P and and ends with a P and this one was not a floater!  More importantly it was not left by anyone in our crew (although almost all the kids have closed a pool at sometime in their short lives).  It did however close the pool and break my daughters heart.  We loaded a crying and pouting kid into the stroller and headed home.

June 24 (339/365)
And just in case you were wondering, here is a picture of me and Sadie and the big sister to be:)
37 wks 1 day

1 comment:

  1. Sister in Law, I know that your plate is full, and about to become overflowing, but please keep your Curley and the Gang going. It is absolutely a wonderful way to make the miles between Georgia and Virginia (or Pennsylvania)shrink.
    Love you and miss you.
