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Finally Caught Up!
So my mission this week, despite sickness, storms, company, absent husband, and impending birth was to get the blog caught up so I can post about my newest daughter on the actual day she is born. With this post, I will have accomplished this goal. There isn't much rhyme or reason or theme to these pictures. Just a little happenings of the last few days.
When we picked out Sadie's bedding (the elephant stuff from Pottery Barn) I immediately thought about this elephant. Zayde brought it back from Tialand years and years ago. It has moved everywhere with us and then Uncle Hank claimed it as his own. I gave Uncle Hank a call and sweet talked him into letting his newest niece have it to decorate her room. He was more than happy to agree and it arrived with Bubbie and Zayde this week. My grand plan was to paint it white and decorate it to match her room. I had grand visions of a 3 generation art project. It all started off well.
We started off giving Ellie (her new name) a little bit of a sponge bath. Doodle was more than happy to help.
July 5 (350/365) |
Then I painted it white with spray paint. Unfortunately, the paint didn't work out so well. You can't tell from this picture but it bubbled and dripped. Even more unfortunate was that when it dried, it scrapped right off because I decided not to sand her.
So, I brought her back in and pulled out the power sander. I sanded and sanded and tried to get into all the nooks and cranies. Not so easy on a wooden elephant! After all my efforts, I gave the spray paint another shot. Not sure if is the heat or the elephant, but same result. So now my elephant looks a little like it has lepersy. I have decided that while I am recovering at the U of V, Zayde is in charge of making the elephant pretty and white!
July 8 (353/365) |
On a whole different note, the really big news at our house is that Doodle has been wearing panties all week! I am so proud of her. It has been a little bit of a struggle, but not too bad overall. One of her favorite rewards this week has been new piggie polish. So far this week her nails have been pink, yellow, and orange! It is just a matter of time before she wants a combination of colors! We have also bribed her with a trip to Toys R Us and Mudhouse. At this point I am a firm believer in what ever works! And apparently Bubbie Magic works every time!
July 6 (351/365) |
And last but not least, My Favoritest returned home yesterday. We have been apart from each other for a lot longer ( Doodle and I are notorious for our long southern road trips), but this week was long and I was missing him something fierce. I missed him so much, that when he crawled into bed and tangled his feet up with mine, it was comforting and not annoying. The last few months have been filled with stress, joy, drama, and lots of changes and challenges. It has definitely reminded me how much I rely on My Favoritest to even me out. He is the calm to my storm!
July 7 (352/365) |
That's about it for now. Next time I check in with you, I will be a mother of two. Definitely a whole new chapter starting as The Gang grows bigger!
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