Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Down Home- Part 2

The entire reason for the whirlwind adventure was a celebration.  Our niece Jennifer was getting married to her beau Stephen.  Jennifer and her sister Mary Kathryn (MK) have always thought their uncle hung the moon.  Lucky for me, when I just the family they decided I helped him hang it straight and make it prettier:)  I am so grateful for my relationship with both of them.  They have grown up to be virtuous, confident, kind, and smart women.  I love that when Doodle and her sister hit the "awkward phase" Jenny and MK will be there to bolster their confidence, and to remind them it's okay to be true to themselves.  I hope that when my girls hate me they will turn to their older (but not old) and wiser (but not too wise) cousins for comfort and rational advice.  All of that being said, we wouldn't have missed this wedding for anything in the world!  Not to mention, Doodle was a flower girl!  
The wedding was beautiful.  The bride was stunning.  The groom was smitten.  I have told people it was one of the most genuine ceremonies I have ever been to.  The entire service was try to Jenny and Stephen. The bride beamed.  The groom cried tears of love and joy when he saw her.  It was not nice to do to this pregnant mamma!  And speaking of tears, that wasn't the first time I cried that day!  I cried when I saw my baby in her first big girl fancy dress.  I cried when I kissed Jenny and headed to the ceremony.  I cried when she walked in.  I cried.  A lot.  Not the ugly cry, but the "I need a tissue to dab my eyes" cry. Even as I'm writing this, I have tears.  I blame hormones!  So, here are a couple of pictures from the wedding.  We love you Mr. and Mrs. Sparks! And MK too:)
Doodle and MK

The blushing bride

MK, me, and Jenny

March 10 (234/365)
May she always want to hold her Daddy's hand!

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sparks


  1. Alright, you made this bride cry! I love love love you and your precious family. And I am so grateful that WE are family!

  2. And you have no idea what your loving my girls from the start meant to me :)

  3. Now I discover how to put my name on the stupid thing.

  4. I have a picture that I took the weekend that Shawn graduated from Berry. Shawn is walking in front of me. Jenny was 7, and MK had just turned 3.Jenny has Shawn's right hand. MK has the left. Both are looking up at him talking a mile a minute.
