Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Cup Runneth Over

It's taken me a little while to get us settled and find time to post pictures of our holiday fun. Despite the upheaval of Christmas Eve, we managed to celebrate and keep up our traditions. The girls thorougly enjoyed the holiday, and in spite of everything so did I. So here are a few pictures from Christmas morning. Bubbie is recouperating from knee replacement surgery and I hope this post will perk her up! Also, as I got halfway through typing this I decided that while we tease and call Sadie TerrorTot, I dont want her to look back at this and think it a negative nickname. Henceforth she will be known as Sweets in the blog-o-sphere. I promise, no more name changes for her!


Doodle asked Santa for a telescope becuase "I have never been to visit outer space and I would like to see what outer space is like". I hope that she enjoys it when we get back to our house!

Doodle was up and ready to open presents.... meanwhile Sweets took a little while to wake up.

Doodle had a snack cup and snuggles while she waited!


We finally gave up and let Doodle wake Sweets up. She rolled Sweets' Santa gift into the room and then woke her up so it would be the first thing she saw. It was really sweet!

And then since everyone was awake and together (Bubbie and Zayde stayed in the hotel with us) it was time for everyone to rip in!

Sweets got a camelbak in her stocking. By far, one of her most favorite gifts!


Doodle picked out gifts for the entire family at 5Below (like a dollar store but everything is 5 or less). She was so excited for Bubbie to open her scarf!

Doodle asked Bubbie and Zayde for matching baby dolls for herself and Sweets. Of course Bubbie and Zayde came through!
I barely got a picture of her loving the baby before she started dragging it around by it's hair.

We finished opening our packages and posed for our annual "Matches" picture.

And then headed to breakfast... in our jammies. Because when you are at a hotel on Christmas morning the only respectable thing to do is wear your matches to the lobby for breakfast! And we took the babies who are now named Glora (Doodle's baby) and Baby (Sweets' baby)

Did I mention that Uncle Hank gave the girls matching strollers:)

Doodle and Bubbie spent a little quiet time enjoying the "Press Here" book!
Although far from normal, our day was filled with joy and laughter, presents and surprises, family and love! We ended the day with what might have been the most unusal Christmas Day dinner, rouladin (it's a German dish). It was in the crockpot the day of the fire and it seemed like a total waste not to eat it, so we did. I also should mention that for the first time ever, I had more packages than anyone to open. And for that reason and so many more, my cup runneth over!


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