Saturday, January 5, 2013

Matches, Tramps, & Lamps

When My Favoritest and I celebrated our first Christmas together, I insisted we start our own tradition. My suggestion was to open new pajamas on Christmas Eve. I imagined our unborn kids tearing into wrapped boxes with eager anticipation to see their new jammies. What I couldn't have imagined was how this tradition would evolve into my favorite thing about Christmas. MATCHES!!!! It started the first year we lived in VA. I happened to find jammies for Doodle, Bubbie, Granny and I that matches. They were a huge hit with Doodle. She loved matching the grown ups and the pictures were priceless. The following year, I found "matches" for the whole family, including Bubbie, Zayde, and Granny. And ever since, we have all had matches.


They were all thrilled with me trying 10 times to get a picture of us all together! But this is what "matches" are all about!

Christmas morning was filled with same excitement and mayhem found in any living room that morning, ours just might have had a little extra bounce!

Santa brought Doodle a yellow trampoline!
Rhythmic Gymnastics team in 2020?

Doodle's other favorite present was an ER crash cart. She is loving playing doctor. She has a whole clinic set up in her room (post of that coming soon). When she opened the box from Bubbie and Zayde, she immediately insisted on taking it to her room and getting it set up. She was super excited.

And in case you were wondering if L.L.Beans marketing campaing for the headlamp worked

She loves it so much, we had to take it to a restaurant "in case she dropped something under the table and needed to find it"!

Bubbie got some fancy bracelets and the first thing she does after oohing and ahhing is let my 4 year old try them on?!?! Seriously! I wouldn't trust that kid with real diamonds!

Doodle has since decided that she doesn't like peeps because they make your hands sticky! I am questioning her maternity!

The day was filled with smiles and laughter


Included a few naps!


And ended with a nice family dinner! And SJ even managed to stay awake and participate in some holiday celebration!


1 comment:

  1. So, let's start that your little baby is growing up!! SJ looks so old all the sudden!!

    Next up, (again with SJ) that baby looks JUSY LIKE your dad! What a cutie!!

    Third, I love your matches too!!
