One of the funnest parts of watching Doodle grow up, has been to see her personality develop. She is like her daddy in lots of ways. My parents say she is the spitting image of me personality wise. I hope she is a perfect mixture of both of us. What I know for sure is that her personality is growing and changing every single day. Here are just a few shots of the silliness that is my Doodle Bug:)
She loves to make you smell her stinky feet. Why is it that kids are so amused and humored by the thought of their feet being stinky? And by the way, since you can't see her nasty toe nails (straight from her daddy's side of the family) doesn't she have the cutest little piggies ever:)
March 24 (248/365) |
So, she only like sunglasses in the house. I don't know why. She doesn't like to wear them where it is sunny and they would help to keep the sun out of her eyes.
March 25 (248/365) |
And this is the picture that blew my mind. This is my child's hand. That is sidewalk paint she is rolling all over her hand. Anyone who knows Doodle knows that she doesn't like to be dirty. At all. My Favoritest and I opened a Valentine's Day card made at school. It had her handprints on it. We oohed and aahhed over the card. All she would tell us was "And Miss Julie clean my hands off!" So when she decided to take paint and roll it all over her hands I almost fell off the step I was sitting on. Don't get too excited that she might be following in my messy footsteps. It was a short lived dip into messy land. It lasted about 10 minutes. And the next time we played with the pain she cried when a little got on her hand. But here is proof that she did in fact live in the moment for a minute:)
March 26 (276/365)
And here is an added bonus picture of her artistic abilities.
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