Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tri-ing To Catch Up!

So Much To Be Thankful For! (November 21-27)

When last I wrote, I was all caught up.  My parents had just left the house following their Thanksgiving visit.  And I was keeping a really big secret.  And here we are 6 weeks later, but I promise I have a really good excuse this time!   We are expecting a baby in the West house.  "Poppy" as we are affectionately calling the baby should make its arrival mid July.  Needless to say, between holiday and the first trimester, my life has been a little blurry.  I will freely admit, I have missed taking pictures a few days.  I will fess up on those days and replace the pic of the day with a fav that didn't make the cut on another day.  I am hoping to give myself some time to blog in the next few days, so hopefully I will get caught up again by the end of next week.  We shall see!  Hope you enjoy seeing the world through the blurry eyes of a pregnant haze:)

November 21 (123/365)

 These were the 2 sweet potatoes we ended up with for our Thanksgiving sweet potato soufle.  I ordered them online and asked for 1 lb.  This is what I got.  Big Giant Potato.  Little Bitty Potato.  We laughed and laughed about them.  

November 22 (123/365)
When we moved from GA to VA, my biggest concern was that Doodle know her grandparents.  Thanks to phone calls, patient grandparents who skyped with a non-verbal kid, and lots of miles in the cars, she does. She loves her Bubbie.  I tease my mom that she has a super power known as Bubbie Magic.  When Doodle wasn't talking, she spent a week with my mom and learned a million words.  She just has magic.  My parents always say there is no greater joy than their grandchild.  I know it can't compare, but sharing her with them and seeing them with her makes my cup run over!  I hope she will always know how lucky she is to have them in her life!

November 23 (124/365)
I love watching the leaves swirl around on a windy day.  I love the sound as they rustle against the sidewalk and pavement.  It's almost like watching a beautiful unchoreographed  dance.  It starts and stops without much warning.  I really wanted to capture it.  Easier said than done!

November 24 (125/365 missed)

Thanksgiving day was not what I had planned, and I have a lack of picture to prove it.  I started having some spotting, and was immediately ordered to bed.  Of course nothing in my life happens at a convenient time.  It was Thursday of a long weekend.  We had to wait until Monday to be reassured that all was well with Poppy.  Of course everything was fine, but it really put Thanksgiving into perspective.  Thanksgiving obviously didn't happen as planned.  I wanted china and tablecloth and cloth napkins.  I ended up eating in my pajamas.  The food was good, but I didn't help cook it.  But, my family was there and that is what was important.  I took this picture the day after Thanksgiving, but it was a repeat performance from Thanksgiving day.  If my Favoritest is eating on the couch, Doodle wants to taste.  It doesn't matter what it is, she wants some.  Thus, our 3 year old has been introduced to the lovely world of Coco Puffs.  We really are good parents we promise!  

November 25 (126/365)
So I titled this make up post "So Much to be Thankful For".  This picture doesn't quit fit the theme!  It's a moving truck.  I was originally going to call this "Thing I Don't Like".  Its a moving truck filled with Sisterwife's worldly possessions.  Sisterwife no longer lives within shouting distance.  She moved up the street.  Still within walking distance, but far far away!  Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled and thankful for their new house.  They needed it desperately.  I am also so very grateful for their friendship, which I know will withstand a move up the street and our departure from VA this summer.  But, it still made me sad to see their stuff loaded into the U-haul!

November 26 (127/365)
Seriously,  That is our kid.  Standing on the edge of a basket.  She loves to climb on the basket.  God forbid she gains too much weight and it won't hold her.  Wait a minute, who am I kidding!  

November 27 (128/365)
So, I wasn't totally happy with my first attempt at capturing the dance of the leaves.  I tried again.  I was a little happier with the results!


  1. I love the picture of Izzy dancing with your mom! I really, really love it because of the perspective....meaning that just from that picture, Izzy looks like a tall (-ish) 2.5 year old! It's a nice reminder that we do all we can to give them a great environment, but genetics will trump! :-)

  2. Thanks Sarah! I hadn't even noticed that Izzy looks like normal size kid when being held by my mom:)
