It is now the day after Thanksgiving and I am busy keeping the couch warm. My Favoritest is shopping with his mom (God bless him) and my mom and dad are hanging out with Doodle and I. We are so lucky. All this extra adult help has allowed me to sit and relax. My goal for the day was to catch up on my People magazines (2 down 3 to go), but I got bored and decided to blog instead.
Super Saturday
I have posted before about how much I love that Doodle has true good friends here in VA. I love that we can spend a day with people we both love and care about. A couple of weekends ago, I met Landlord, her Eldest, and her Youngest at the local children's museum. Of course I brought along Doodle and Jayburb (Sisterwife was preparing for a move and was thrilled to be down to just one child). The kids spent the morning discovering and giggling and laughing and jumping. The enjoyed each other's company. We left the museum and went for a yogurt treat. The long walk back to the parking deck was completed with a ride on the man powered carousel. A great day was had by all.
November 12 (114/365) |
I think I have mentioned that Doodle is tiny. She is a little peanut. An imp. She is 3 year old and weighs 23 lbs. She wears 18-24 month clothing and it falls off her waist. She is just little. Don't feel bad for her. What she lacks in size she makes up for in personality, determination, and creativity. My Favoritest and I have both ignored that she is short and small. We make her figure out how to climb up on things and reach things. Call it mean, we call it survival of the fittest.
Because she is so small, people are often taken aback by her verbal abilities. I get dirty looks for expecting her to behave like a 3 year old and not the 2 year old she resembles. Landlord has the opposite problem. Eldest and Youngest are tall for their ages. They are often expected to act more maturely and adults look at Landlord like she is crazy because she expects and allows them to act their ages, not older as they appear.
This all has a point, I promise. It is rare that I look at a picture of Doodle and think that she looks tall. Perspective is a funny thing. The camera allows me to see things differently. and for once Doodle looks big!
November 13 (115/365) |
So last week I played with water and I won. This week I played with water and I lost. Oh well. Still looks kind of cool.
November 14 (116/365) |
My Favoritest has been out of town.... a lot. Between presenting at work meetings and interviewing for jobs, it seems like every other week he is gone again. And this is what I am left with at the end of the day.
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November 15 (117/365) |
It was a rainy, yucky day outside. I went to let the dogs out and noticed how pretty the rain drops were on everything. I told Doodle I was going out to take some pictures. Doodle told me that she too was coming to take pictures (with her yellow binoculars). We both enjoyed a few minutes sloshing in the morning rain.
November 16 (118/365) |
Chasing Tail
Doodle loves to go the grocery store.... because they have balloons. She made a fantastic discovery at Chick A Way. They too have balloons. Fantastic! At least she has finally learned that having it tied to her arm is a good idea. She just looses track of it some times even when it is attached to her arm. I kind of reminded me of a dog chasing its tail.
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November 17 (119/365) |
Keeping it Even
So lately when I have forgotten to take a picture, The Bad Beagle has been my go to model. I decided I needed to get some shots of my first born. Hard to believe that this beautiful pup arrived in my life 11 years ago. She was a covered in fleas, skinny as a rail and was loosing her hair because she had mange. My dad thought I was crazy to take her! I knew we were soul mates. I have been so blessed by her constant companionship. I am so lucky that she ended up in my life!
November 18 (120/365) |
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