Hard to believe it but, I have been taking a picture a day for over 100 days! I am surprised how quickly time has gone by. I am also thrilled with the stories and pictures I have been able to share. Thanks for keeping up with me and listening to my rambling thoughts. I have been working hard to get caught up and with this post, I will be caught up to this week! I am hoping that once I get caught up I can share somethings that don't necessarily revolve around my 365 project! We'll see how that works out! Anyway, here's another week's worth of pictures!
This tree is in our front courtyard. The kids play out there almost everyday. I happened to notice that this one leaf had changed before all the rest. I guess in the plant world it is a trendsetter.... or looking for an early death by falling. This also happens to be the 100th picture! Whoop Whoop! Sorry it's not more exciting!
October 29 (100/365) |
We live in a fantastic little town outside of Charlottesville VA. We love it! One this we really love is the local coffee shop, Mudhouse. They usually have enough room that the kids can wiggle around without disturbing anyone and they even have a little stage the kids can dance and play on. The day before Halloween they had a caramel apple workshop. We joined our neighborhood friends and headed over to make caramel apples. It was super cute. They had candy the kids could put on their apples. It was also crowded, loud, and a little overstimulating. Not exactly Doodle's cup of tea, even if she could eat all the candy corn she wanted! Needless to say, this was the best of the pictures I got that morning. I didn't even get a picture of our finished apple because the beagle tried to eat it before we got a chance! His review was that it was delicious!
October 30 (101/365) |
Perfect Spooky Sunset
Halloween has come and gone. I have lots of fantastic pictures that I may share later. Doodle loved trick or treating. She was completely out of character and had no inhibitions. It was really fun to see her enjoy herself so much. As we rounded the top of the hill in our neighborhood, I happened to look over my shoulder and was greeted by this perfect Halloween sunset. I was skeptical that I would get a good shot, but was pleasantly surprised by what I saw when I uploaded the pictures.
October 31 (102/365) |
Keep On Trying
One of Doodle's favorite things at the Little Gym is the hola hoops. They don't come out very often so I think the allure of them is part of her love! I got her a hoop for home, but it isn't quite as special as the ones at the gym. Recently the hoops made an appearance and Doodle was trying her hardest to hola hoop. She just doesn't have a clue how to make it happen. Because she is a determined kid, she kept trying. Even after we got home. Lucky me!
November 1 (103/365) |
Landlord's Eldest is always out making discoveries. She is a wide eyed explorer who love to see the world and all it has to offer. Landlord is "that mom" who leaves her offspring to figure it out on her own even if it is messy and dirty. She resists the urge to join in take control of the fun! Last week we were walking home from the park and Landlord's Eldest stopped to investigate something. A puddle of muddy murky water. Within a seconds time, Landlord, Sisterwife, and myself had all stopped and were chatting. Jayburb and Doodle immediately gravitated towards Landlord's Eldest. As we chatted, the kids followed their leader. They found a stick and pebbles. They threw, they splashed, they laughed, they shared. It was a peaceful 5 minutes for everyone! While they were busy discovering, I was busy snapping.
November 2 (104/365) |
Jumping.... AgainI
know, it gets old. My kid likes to jump. I like to take pictures. Sorry I can be so repetitive. I tried to make this about the sunburst too. It was a gorgeous afternoon. I bribed Doodle to ride her new bike up to the rocks with the promise of lots of jumping time. We both won!
November 3 (105/365) |
That's My Girl
Twenty years from now when I remember the townhouse we live in, I think I will forget everything except the fantastic courtyard and the window sill. Since she could stand up, Doodle has loved the window sill. She plays for hours on end with Ming-Ming, Tuck, and any other small friends she can find. I have tried to take pictures of her playing int he window sill, but the screen always seems to get in the way. After playing with the reflections in our window the other week, I had an idea. It may not be picture perfect, but it is a perfect picture of my little Doodle in her perfect spot!
November 4 (106/365) |