Saturday, October 29, 2011

Au Natural Week!

One of the reasons I wanted to challenge myself to take a picture a day was so that I could learn to use my SLR by using it.  I haven't had too much of a chance to really challenge my skills/learning because I have been busy taking pictures of fun things and activities.  This week's set of pictures were really fun to take.  I didn't set out to have a week like this, but I ended up taking lots of pictures of nature and objects.  It started as a way to fill the square for the day, and ended up being a lot of fun.  Hope you enjoy!

Cute or Concerning?

Doodle has a little bit of a fascination with the tushie door on potato heads.  She had a great time putting Ming-Ming and Tuck inside the tushie.  It really did make me think about how wrong Mr. Potato Head's trap door really is!
October 8 (79/365)
Money! Money! Money!

We have a wine coster in our room that has turned into a coin catch all.  I realized late at night that I needed a picture for the day.  I figured I would take one and be done.  I think I took about 50.  I got a chance to play with the aperture mode on the camera.  I loved trying to get the best shot of the coins and their reflection.  I think it came out really cool!
October 9 (80/365)

Bunch O Bubbles

Quick shot of bubbles made using a fly swatter! 

October 10 (81/365)
Freaky Finds

Did I mention I had a lot of days that I forgot to take pictures this week?  Yes, I had trouble.  So once again, late at night remembering I didn't have a picture for the day.  I decided to take a self portrait using my reflection in the window.  As I took pictures of myself, I noticed something much more interesting.  The window was acting as both a mirror and a transparent surface.  I was getting images of outside object on top of objects inside my house.  I know, it sounds a little confusing, but check it out.
October 11 (82/365)
Notice the flag on the couch.  That is my neighbor's flag outside our window.  Notice Laugh on top of the cabinets.  That is a reflection in the window.  The white line at the top is the window pane.  Pretty cool if I do say so myself!  

Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head

It rained and rained and rained.  We were tired of rain.  Sisterwife invited Doodle over to make cookies.  After we got there, I had to run home to get some ingredients.  I returned with the ingredients and then asked Sisterwife for a few minutes to take a few pictures of the rain.  So glad I did.  I got some wonderful pictures.  Makes me really really want a macro lens!

October 12 (83/365)
Are We Ready to Go?

Doodle had her first field trip.  They went to the pumpkin patch.  Only it was more like a pumpkin field and it was rainy and wet and a little muddy.  Doodle wasn't really loving it.  From the minute we got there she started to ask if it was time to get back in the car.  Needless to say, my dreams of Doodle with a pumpkin were dashed.  Instead, I got a snail on a pumpkin.  Enjoy!
October 13 (84/365)
Mirror Mirror On The Table

The only good thing about the pumpkin patch trip was that Doodle picked out a tiny pumpkin (gourd) for herself and one for Jaypurb.   The one she got for herself was kind of star shaped and orange with a green center.  Once again, I put Doodle to bed and was faced with the cold hard fact that I needed to take a picture.  I was quickly running out of ideas around my house!  And then my eye caught the gourd.  And I started playing.  Then I got a mirror and played some more.  This is my favorite of them!
October 14 (85/365)
Amazing how this heavy thick gourd almost resembles a delicate flower from this angle.  I love this picture!

So with this post, I am only about 2 weeks behind.  My plan is to get caught up over the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Really lovely shots! You are a woman after my heart. You've got a plastic potato pasquinade, cool coins, brilliant bubbles, paranormal paranoia, darling dew drops, surprising snails, and ground grayscale gems. Thanks much for sharing your talent.
