So I obviously have fallen behind! So as not to bore the few of you who read and look, I am going to combine all my pics from Day 9-12 into one post. I had a friend visiting from out of town, and felt rude taking pictures and blogging all weekend! Like they say, the best made plans!
Day 9: Fruit
Doodle loves fruit! Of any variety. Any time! On a plate! In a bowl! Most recently in a snack cup! I spend lots of time washing and cutting fruit. This was the last grape in the strainer after I cut her grapes for lunch. When I saw the picture it kinda made me think of a half glass of water. Was this grape the first one to the party? or the last lingering guest who just won't get the hell out!

Day 10: Animal
He goes by many names, Lo-Lo, Beagle Butt, Boo-Boo, and quite often after he has gotten into something it is Logan Xavier! He is ours. We love him. Good thing he is cute, or he would have been kicked to the curb long ago. His latest source of entertainment was to get into a bag of flour. Lots of fun for both of us! He barks non-stop and eats horrid things, wakes me up in the middle of the night. He also snuggles us, licks Doddle, makes us laugh a lot, brings a smile to my face, and puts up with a toddler climbing on him. Maybe I should put this picture in a frame and look at it when he makes me crazy!
Day 11: Silhouette
Not much to say about this picture. Except that I cheated. I took it 2 weeks ago. I had company. I didn't have time to take pictures! I am ashamed. But I love the picture, so is it that bad to cheat a little?
Day 12: Sun Flare
One of the things I love best about summer, is the added sunlight. It gives us more time to spend as a family. In the summer, we can eat dinner and go on a family walk. This picture was taken while on a walk. (admitting to cheating again. Sorry). Doodle was so excited to climb the hill and run down. She was also thrilled to help walk her puppies. I love that you can almost see her moving at toddler speed down the hill.
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