Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Little Brown Caboose

Day 28: Transportation

All I can say, is this train (or one of its millions of clone like friends) clambers past our house at all hours of the day and night.  It's easier to get used to than one would think.  My only complaint is that Doodle has a love hate relationship with it.  Sometimes she is facinated with it and wants to go watch it on the stairs.  Other days, she is terrified and spends half her day reminding me to "tell me if the choo choo's coming".  The biggest challenge is that being a toddler and a girl on top of that, she changes her feelings regarding the train at a moments notice.  Makes for some challenging moments.  Like standing inside the pharmacy for 10 minutes while the train goes by.   Or traumatic hand flapping and spinning in circles because Doodle doesn't know where to run to get away from the noise!  Needless to say, my next house will hopefully not be this close to train (to our wonderful fantastic Landlord, we love your house:))

If You Give An ADD Mom A Mission.....

Day 27: Your Weakness

So I tried to think of something like shoes, chocolate, candy, you know normal weaknesses.  I don't have one thing I always have on hand that I can't resist.  So I went deeper.  More philosophical.  I know, I was scared too.  

As I tried to think what my weakness was I remembered I needed to get something out for dinner.  I looked at the menu for the week and realized I had forgotten to purchase ingredients for 2 meals and had no ideas of what I wanted to make.  Then I heard the dryer ding and went to get the clothes out.  Which reminded me I needed hangers. I had bought some at Target earlier in the morning and when I got to the bag, I felt the need to distribute everyone's belongings to their basket on the stairs.  Looking at the stairs reminded me I needed to vacuum the carpet so Doodle wouldn't complain about "hairs on my feet".  Because I had to vacuum, I needed to pick up all the toys.  Then the dogs barked to go out, so I let them out.  Then I remembered about and email I needed to send (no reason for remembering, just my random brain).  Of course if I touch the computer I must check FB and my email.  Something might have happened.  Then I recalled my vow to get the ironing done.  I have also vowed to watch Dream Girls so that I can send it back to Netflix (6 months later).  I did manage to iron and watch a movie with only about 10 interruptions.  About the time I finished ironing (4:00ish) I remembered I needed to take something out for dinner.....
If this sounds a bit like an adult version of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" then welcome to my daily existence.  And that is me after I have had adderall!  By the end of Izzy's nap all I had done was iron (and watch a great movie).  I ended up with a pile of clean clothes that needed folding, pizza ordered from dominos, and still no idea what to use for my picture of my weakness.  Until I thought of this....
Oh look!  A shiny object all out of focus!
I think this pretty much sums up my weakness.  My attention is definitely my weakness.  When I am out of focus, my attention is diverted to any shiny object, crying child, barking dog, or random thought.  When I am completely focused, I can't stop what I am doing.  I have to clean that closet, finish that ironing, or watch that movie.  It isn't always productive in the conventional sense of the word, but it is what I do and how my brain works.  I have learned to compensate for the craziness ( better living through chemistry and caffeine) and have a wonderful husband who picks up (literally) after my tornados of activity. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Colors Are Blush and Bashful

Day 26: Favorite Color

Today I woke up and right after I cussed the dogs for waking me up, I decided we were going to have a great day!  I was the mom I always want to be (minus the hour spent playing angry birds).  I made pancakes with mini m&m's in them for breakfast.  We stayed in our jammies for a little while (I already mentioned Angry Birds) and then went up to get dressed.  While fixing Doodle's hair we read "Pinkalicious" for the millionth time this week. (if you've missed this best seller, it's about a girl who eats so many pink cupcakes, she turns pink)  As we finished up, I asked Doodle if she would like to make pink cupcakes.  Of course she said yes.  And since my favorite colors are blush and bashful, we went to grocery store to get supplies, I let her push the mini cart, eat a cookie, and get a balloon.  In her mind, it was the perfect trip to the store.  We got home ate lunch and made our cupcakes. 

 As soon as Doodle woke up from her nap, the first thing she said was "now we can eat my pink cupcake?" 
We made our frosting pink

We frosted the cupcakes and added pink sprinkles of course!

By the time we were ready to eat, my Favoritest was home and Doodle declared that he would sit at the table and eat his pink cupcake too!
We even added some pink food coloring to Doodle's milk!  Please note, she has no frosting on her cupcake, it might make you messy!

We had a fantastic pinkalicious day!  As we sat down for dinner (meatloaf, home made mashed potatoes and sautees vidalia onions in case you were wondering) I got the leftover pink milk from the fridge.  Doodle was excited to have it again.  So excited in fact that....

it landed all over the floor.  I guess Lo-lo likes pink milk too!  In the end, the spilled milk is the picture I choose!  Today, blush and bashful looked pinkalcious even on the floor, and the door, and the table, and the wall!  And if I wasn't sure that Doodle enjoyed her day as much as I did, I just heard her reciting parts of "Pinkalicious" over the monitor!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sour Then Sweet

Day 25: Citrus

I had no citrus fruit in my house.  I had no ambition to find some.  I almost gave up.  I was having a blah kind of day.  Tired and lazy, and no motivation to get out of my pajamas let alone take a creative picture.  After I got Doodle down for her nap, I decided I would take a picture of the Lemonhead bag, because in my mind the lemon face on the logo looked cranky and sour and it fit my mood.  When I got the bag out, that stupid lemon face had a big old cheezy grin on it's oblong face.  It did not help my mood! Then I decided I would make fake lemons using balls from Izzy defunct ball bit (I now have 200+ balls with no pit.  Note to self, order new ball pit soon).  Then I remembered I did in fact have some lemon juice.  So I totally decided to have a still life of fake lemonness.  I used a new app for the mac (isplash) and did some selective coloring.  I got a little tickled by my mockery of citrus.

The day was not done, and my mood was still as sour as the lemon heads chased by the lemon juice.  My Favoritest walked in the door tired and cranky and picking up my messes from the day (a habit that makes me want to tie his hands behind his back).  This in turn made me more cranky and sour.  After a quick family dinner we agreed to take Doodle to the pool for a night swim.  Sometime between the shock of the cool water, the numerous repetitions of "Noble Duke of York" and a couple of swims to find number 4,5,6, and 7 on the wall, my lemony mood changed and was a sweet as the inside of a lemonhead.  It was so sweet that I didn't even get sour when my Favoritest got called back into work. As an added bonus, my Favoritest who does not like the pool used his "on call" status as an excuse to sit on the lounge chair (he didn't think to get up and get closer or a different angle) and take pictures of Doodle and I in the water.   Hope you enjoy as much as I did!
She love to hang on the side of the wall all by herself

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pressing Love

Day 24: Love

Yesterday I was talking to my niece about the ways that people show love.  I told her that part of growing up is realizing that people demonstrate their love in different ways and learning to accept those demonstrations at face value.  This is a lesson I have had to learn over and over again.   My Favoritest shows his love by taking out the trash and making sure to run the dishwasher before he comes to bed.  He does his best to sing to Doodle when he puts her to bed by himself.  Doodle shows her love for our pups by bringing them bones and toys.  Occasionally she even shares her favorite windowsill with Zoe.  Doodle's friend BB shows love for her friends by making sure they have their belongings at all times.  It's easy to see the love in these examples, if you are paying attention.  Sometimes it's harder to see.  Sometimes we can be hurt by someone's honesty and they were trying to be a loving and caring friend.  Sometimes love is shelter from a storm and an open door policy.   Sometimes love is spending $3 to send a post card from Europe to your grand daughter who can't read but loves to get mail.
And sometimes love is messy... like when you are combing vomit out of a toddler's hair at 7:45 in the morning.   That being said, there were not going to be any photos of the people I love today.  It's been a bit of a pajama day today given the start to our day.  It was also a lazy morning filled with Elmo, Jake and the Pirates, and more Elmo.  After getting Doodle down for a nap, I decided I better get busy ironing.  It is one of my least favorite jobs.  It is never ending.  My Favoritest is expected to wear dress pants and a button up shirt anytime he is at the hospital.  The only exception to this is the 10-15 days a year he spends in the cath lab and can wear scrubs.  Oh how I love those weeks!  Because every shirt and pair of pants must be washed and then ironed.  I promise, I don't live in the dark ages.  I know about wrinkle free clothing.  I have tried to convince him of those lines at his favorite stores (even went so far as to offer Brooks Brothers wrinkle free shirts).  No go.  He likes starch.  He like them ironed.  In another lifetime I would have A) sent it to the dry cleaners or B) told him to do it himself.  In this lifetime, our budget doesn't allow for dry cleaning daily clothes and time is just as valuable.  I posted a few days ago about being given the gift of time when we moved.  Unfortunately for my Favoritest he was given the gift of working a million hours a week and limited time to actually enjoy life.  So in this lifetime, I rarely ask him to do his own ironing.  I do it.  And I used to complain about it.  A lot!  And then one day, I was ironing and started thinking about why I do the ironing for him.   Gradually, the job became a labor of love.  I strangely started like to the instant gratification of getting shirt sleeves pressed.  I hope that when he gets up before the sun rises, stumbles out of the shower and into the closet, and picks out his clothes (from the largest collection of dress shirts and khaki pants known to man) he feels a little bit of love knowing that they are all ironed and ready.  I know it sounds a little 50's house wifeish, but I have a sense of pride that he goes to work in well ironed clothes. So here is my picture of love....
Now don't get me wrong... I still complain about doing it.  I don't feel the need to name the iron. If he calls while I am ironing, I make sure to let him know that's what I am doing.  I also make sure to leave the newly ironed clothes hanging on the outside of the closet so he know just how much I love him!  What's a unique way that you and your family show your love?  Leave me a comment and let me know.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Just Gotta Push!

Day 23: Black and White

Ahhh freedom to take pictures of what ever I wanted today.  I act like there is a man with a gun ready to take aim and fire if I don't follow the directions.  What I wanted was a picture of Doodle and all her Frwends in her bed.  What I got was soooo much better.  For months now, Doodle has been trying to climb into her crib.  Yes, I know she is almost 3 and still in a crib (and still SLEEPS with a paci).  Yes, I know if she can climb in she can climb out.  What you don't know is that she is a rule follower and knows her climbing limitations.  She has known how to climb out since December, but will not even try to throw a leg over because she knows she would fall and get hurt.  What you also may not realize is that my kid (God bless her soul) wakes up happy and stays happy in her crib for a long time (enough time to empty the dishwasher, take a shower, and throw on clothes).  The way I see it, we have the perfect set up.  She won't climb out, she is happy even when awake, and I don't have to worry about her.  Well, I have a feeling that is all about to change.  See for yourself.

I want to try!
I just have to push with my legs

I think I could do it Mommy!
 She is so proud of her latest accomplishment.  We have started to discuss making her bed a big girl bed like her  friend Japurb's bed.  This kind of talk always leads to a very long run on sentence with lots of excited stuttering about going to see Japurb and Sammy (the dog).  The adults in the household have discussed the conversion process and may attempt it this weekend.  I hope that her agreeability about a big girl bed has more follow through than her desire to have a little yellow potty (that has a twin white potty that both do nothing but collect dust in the bathrooms).  The adults have also discussed how many more "frwends" Doodle with have once she is like the cool big kids.  Just imagine what she can put in her bed then!
I got a lotta frwends!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beautiful Inside and Out

Day 22: Landscape

I took a little me time tonight and drove over the mountain so I could get some landscape pictures.  I intended to stop at the scenic overlook and VDOT memorial in I-64 West and get some pictures of the valley below.  When I got to the VDOT memorial, I was struck by the beauty of the flag, the mountains, the sun, everything!  The reason I wanted to take the pictures in the first place is because every time I drive over the mountain, I have a sense of beauty.  Even when it is foggy and I can only see 10 feet in front of me, there is something beautiful about the mountains.  I remember driving over the mountain the first time 2 years ago (almost to the day) heading towards our new home.  Leaving behind family and friends, comfort and familiarity.  I was exhausted from a long drive and anxiety over moving, my Favoritest's new job as a fellow, my new job as a stay at home mom.  I was filled with every emotion one could think of.  As we crested the top of Afton Mountain I couldn't get over how beautiful it was.  Little did I know that our new home would be filled with as much inner beauty as the surrounding landscape.  We landed in a lovely townhouse surrounded by young families and kids the same age as Doodle.  Those families have become our friends and our extended family.  I found other friends (through UVA House Staff Social Network) who understand the crazy, hectic, frustrating, amazing life that our family leads because of my Favoritest's job.  Having those ladies for support and friendship has made a huge difference in my happiness.  I was also given a huge gift with this move.  TIME.  I know I always say that there is never enough, but I have more now than I ever did before.  I have time to enjoy Doodle.  Time to explore new hobbies like photography and writing.  I have time to indulge in old hobbies like scrapbooking.  I have time to sit on the computer and chat with my friends. All of those things give me the patience to deal with the frequent stints of single parenting and solo meals.  So, this picture that I intended just be something beautiful, has really made me think about the beauty of my home.  Two years after first seeing those mountains, I still marvel at their beauty.  More surprisingly is that I am still marveling at the inner beauty of our home!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Little Dirt on the Wheels

Day 21: Micro

As a parent do you ever  have those moments where you are convinced this thing that lives in your house is so unlike you that they couldn't possibly belong to you?  I am not even talking genetics.  I am just talking about habits and behaviors that our kids pick up from those around them.  Logically one would assume they would develop habits and behaviors like their parents.  But kids aren't logical creatures.  Which brings me to today's photo.  
This is an up close and personal picture of the wheel of Doddle's doll stroller.  Mind you, dolls never grace its' seat.  That special spot is reserved for Ming-Ming and Tuck.  Tonight we took the whole gang for a walk.  Doodle wanted to take her "little stroller".  She was running up the hill when she stopped in her tracks, squatted down, pointed and the wheel and cried "Mommy, what had  happened?"  It took me a few minutes to realize she was talking about the dirt that had collected on the wheel.  It rained earlier and the sidewalk had lots of dirt and leaves and mess on it.  She wanted me to wipe it off with a wash cloth.  I convinced her to walk on, and most of it fell off.  However, on the return trip down the hill the same thing happened.  She was devistated.  Her prized ($10 from Target ) "little stroller" had a dirty wheel.  I managed to get her and the stroller home without having to carry any one and as soon as we walked in the door she wanted a wash cloth to clean the wheel.  I opted for a quick rinse in this sink.  Doddle was happy.  

The world was right again.  But it sure did get me thinking about this kid that spends so much time with me.  There are moments when I know exactly where she picked up a habit or behavior.  Her recent sassy tone of voice, I know is a total impersonation of me when I am fussing at her.  This need for things to be clean.... I don't know where it comes from.  It doesn't matter if it is her hands, her feet, her toys... she doesn't like them to be dirty.  She doesn't like to paint or use glue, because you might get sticky.  She wants a wet wash cloth at the table to keep her hands clean!  If you know me, you know what a conundrum this is for me.  I am not a neat person.  I don't put things in the right place, and I certainly like to get my hands dirty working on a project.  I guess it just goes to show that nature and nurture are in constant battle!  

I had a hard time picking between the picture of the wheel and this stunning (in my humble opinion) picture of a neighbor's flower.  A gardener I am not, so I have no clue what it is.  I do know that I managed to get 2 bugs inside the flower!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

Day 19: Summertime
It's been another Monday around here!  Another un-friend kind of day.  I have finally realized that even thought I don't leave to go to a job, I dread Monday as much as the next person.  I think it is the reality that the solo parenting starts again.  As does the solo house keeping, cleaning, dog walking, and everything else it takes to make this house run  crawl.  To make matters even more entertaining, Doodle has been struck with a horrible case of the toddler stutter.  I love my child.  I promise I do.  But the constant repetition of whole words is like nails on the chalkboard.   The shining bright spot in my day was getting to play with the camera.  I think I should name it, you all know how much I like to name things:)  Any suggestions?  Anyway, I was a day late with yesterday's challenge: Summertime.  I can think of a million things that say summer time, but it's been a cloudy, rainy, dreary few days around us.  So today as I sat down in a moment of peace and quiet, I looked out the window and saw our neighbor Japurb's lawn mower laying on its' side.  It just made me think of all the summer hours we spend outside in our courtyard.  So I snuck outside and snapped a few pictures.  Then I came in a played on my iphone with it and came up with this:

Day 20: Water
Today's challenge was easier to photograph.  Water, plenty of it around here.  As I walked inside this morning, I noticed some rain drops left in a spider web on Doodle's outdoor climber.  I immediately thought of my dad's cousin Barbara.  My dad sent her a video of Doodle, she and I became friends on Facebook, and I learned what a fantastic photographer she is.  She has really inspired me to play with my camera and see the beauty in the details.  So when I saw the water drops, I knew that I wanted to capture that beauty.  I think I managed to do Barbara proud!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Baby Girl

Day 18: Eyes
Zoe is the last member of the family to make it into the photo challenge.  She was mine before my Favoritest and Doodle were ever even thought about.   I got her right after I graduated from college.  My friend Katie's mom rescued her from a farm in South GA.  I saw her (and her brother) late one night.  I went home, had a few beers and told my friend Josh that I was getting that brown dog and I was going to name him Brody. Josh told me it was an ugly dog and was going to get huge!. Well, he was a she, and I named her Zoe.  In the sober light of day, she was ugly (had mange and was pretty sick) but I already loved her.  Josh was also right that she got bigger than I thought she would.  My dad said it was a mistake.   That was 11 years ago. Now he agrees that she was the best mistake I have made.  She has been a wonderful companion.  She is protective, affectionate, playful, and beautiful.  She thinks my Favoritest is the best thing I ever brought home.  She lets Logan (our beagle) have the big dog bed and wrestles with him even when she is achy and tired.  She is terrorized by Doodle, but if she hears her waking up in the morning she sits outside her bedroom door.  I often worry that her time will come before Doodle is old enough to remember her.  She drives me crazy, but I couldn't imagine the last decade of my life without her!

We're Off To See The Wizard

Day 17: Bokeh

Bo-what?  Bokeh.  If you are totally clueless like me here is the wikipedia link to the definition of bokeh.  So basically, it is a picture that is in focus and blurry at the same time.  Challenging to figure out.  But really fun because I got an early birthday present today.... an new DLSR camera (Nikon D5100).  I am super excited about it.  Still trying to figure it out.  Also trying to stop my Favoritest from playing with it while taking unflattering pictures of me.  It has lots of settings and buttons and stuff.  I already love it!  I am sure you can guess what I spent the afternoon doing!  
So, once I played a little, it was time to figure out the bokeh shot.  From my extensive (10 minutes) worth of research, I figured out I needed something similar to Christmas tree lights, an object to shot, and something in the background.  I played around with several light sources because I had no intentions of getting into holiday bins in the middle of June.  After lots of failed attempts, I realized my Madame Alexander dolls had all three elements.  The curio cabinet has it's own light source, the mirrors and glass help it to resemble twinkling lights, and I had a subject, and background.  If you know me, you know I have enjoyed collecting these dolls over the years.  I got my first MA for my 10th birthday.  The most recent (the Wicked Witch you can see in the background) was a holiday gift from my Favoritest.   I have over 20 of them.  Someday, I hope to add the the collection by giving them to Doodle.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

We Go Together Like.... Oil and Water

Day 16: Mason Jar

BORING!  That's what I thought about having to take a picture of a mason jar.  Surprise.... I had fun doing it!  Several summers ago I taught science classes with my friend Amy.  One of my favorite things was always mixing oil and vinegar or water.  I just love the colors floating around in big gloopy bubbles.  So, I tried to capture that in my photo.  
More challenging than taking the picture, was what to bore you, my friends and followers with:)  But as I enjoyed a few peaceful moments playing mad scientist, I realized this picture perfectly depicts the Doddle and I, especially this week.  We are so much alike, but are so very different.  Sometimes, as my friend Kate would say "we are not friends". And there are days when I think she is so perfect I want to freeze her in time!  There have been moments when I wonder what planet she came from and how can I send her back.  There have also been moments when we have laughed and giggled and shared a joke and it seems that we are in perfect rhythm.  Tonight, as I sang "You Are My Sunshine", Doodle got so tickled she couldn't stop laughing.  Feeling her body jump against my chest made me giggle.  Soon we were both laughing so hard, we could barely finish our song.  In those moments our oil vs. water personalities mix together to make something beautiful and perfect, if only for a fleeting moment!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Flight of the Toddler

Day 15: Action

I am happy to report that Doodle and I both woke up on the less cranky side of our beds.  Which is a miracle for Doodle considering she was trying to help Abby Cadabby get her fairy freckles back until about 10:00 last night and started the day laughing like the Count (Ah-Ah-Ah) at 6:45.  I was prepared for another long day filled with lots of toddler drama.  Surprisingly, we had a long day filled with lots of fun and only a little toddler drama.  It seems that my usually happy-go-lucky kid has turned into a surly teenage at the ripe old age of 2.8!  She isn't happy with anything she has, changes her mind at the drop of a hate, and is the bossiest kid since Junie B. Jones.  Needless to say, it has been challenging to keep her happy and keep me sane.  Today's photo challenge was simply "action". In an effort to keep Doodle busy, happy, and exhaust in preparation for a good nap, we were very busy this morning. There was lots of action, just little chance to take pictures.  At least the "keep her busy, keep her happy" part of the plan worked.   I wasn't too worried about a picture.  Last night during our "change your mood tickle fest" I was flying Doodle like a helicopter and I decided it would make a really cool action shot.   I have "flown" her like that since she was just a wee little thing.  And since she is still a wee little thing (22  lbs at 2 yrs 8months) I can still manage to spin her just enough to be fun for her.  So tonight after dinner I took her outside.  She took a short flight, and I got some great pictures.  Maybe I should hang this to remind her how beautiful she looks when she is happy! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Love You, But I Don't Think I Like You!

Day 14: Someone You Love

This shouldn't be hard.  Take a picture of someone you love.  I love my Favoritest, I love Doodle, I love our dogs.  I shouldn't have had such a hard time.  The problem wasn't finding someone I love.  Today, it was finding someone I liked to take a picture of.  Doodle and I both woke up on the cranky side of the bed/crib today.  No matter what I did, I couldn't get into a good mood.  It was just a blah sort of a day.  So I ignored the camera, all day.  After a long nap, things weren't looking much better.  News of yet another solo dinner didn't help matters.  Sometime during dinner, my mood started to lift (maybe the phone call from my Favoritest saying he was coming home).  After dinner, Doodle and I had a giant tickle fest on the couch.  It was the first time all day that we were both happy.  My Favoritest came in in the middle of the fun.  He jumped right in.  As a reward he was licked to death by the dogs and fought to get kisses from a squirming 2 year old.  As I watched them playing, I grabbed my camera.  I love to watch my Favoritest when he is in the moment with Doodle.  With his schedule and stress level it is rare, so I savor it when it happens.  Tonight I got lucky enough to capture it for all of us!  

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bringing My Childhood Home

Day 13: Reminds You of Childhood

I think I have a terrible long term memory.  I don't remember major events from much of growing up.  What I do remember is details and randomness.  When I think of my childhood it is more about tastes, and feels, and sounds.  I vividly remember the feeling of hot asphalt on my bare feet as I ran from our friends house back home.  Running as long as we could and throwing my towel down on the ground to give my feet a break.  I can remember sitting in the golf cart while my dad would tee off.  I would choose that moment to chomp off a bite of doritos.  He would be distracted and hush me.  Any time I take a swig of a luke warm Coke I am transported right back to that same golf cart. The strangeness of my memories continues  so thinking of something tangible that reminded me of childhood was kind of hard.  I have lots of things, but most were not needed in our smaller house here in VA, so they are in storage in GA.  As I started to think about this task, my eye fell on my birthday present from my dad last year.  I had asked him for it for months.  He didn't deliver it until October (my bday is in July).  I reminded him a million times.  He didn't want to hassle with it.  It was a free gift.  What I wanted was this

An ugly, dirty, damaged piece of wood painted 1970's orange.   What the heck would I want that for?  If you look closely, you can see pencil marks on the board.  Those are height records for my brother and I. My dad was in the Air Force.  We moved.  Not a lot, but enough that we never had a door frame or a pantry wall to measure us.  My dad built my mom an ugly orange cabinet shortly after they were married.  It went with them to every single house they lived in.  That is where they measured us.  As I started to watch Doodle grow up (or not grow up so much) I wanted to carry on the tradition of the orange cabinet.  So I made my dad destroy the cabinet.  It was stored under their house and was already rotting away, so I didn't take anything that useful to him.  I had a friend cut the rotted part off.  I have plans for this board.  I am going to paint some of it (while keeping our markings) and then I am going to measure Doodle and anyone else that joins our family.  I may not be able to take my kids back to the house I grew up in, but in this small way I can bring the house to them.

Falling Behind!

 So I obviously have fallen behind!  So as not to bore the few of you who read and look, I am going to combine all my pics from Day 9-12 into one post.  I had a friend visiting from out of town, and felt rude taking pictures and blogging all weekend!  Like they say, the best made plans!

Day 9: Fruit

Doodle loves fruit!  Of any variety.  Any time!  On a plate! In a bowl! Most recently in a snack cup! I spend lots of time washing and cutting fruit.  This was the last grape in the strainer after I cut her grapes for lunch.  When I saw the picture it kinda made me think of a half glass of water.  Was this grape the first one to the party? or the last lingering guest who just won't get the hell out!


Day 10: Animal

He goes by many names, Lo-Lo, Beagle Butt, Boo-Boo, and quite often after he has gotten into something it is Logan Xavier!  He is ours.  We love him.  Good thing he is cute, or he would have been kicked to the curb long ago.  His latest source of entertainment was to get into a bag of flour.  Lots of fun for both of us!  He barks non-stop and eats horrid things, wakes me up in the middle of the night.  He also snuggles us, licks Doddle, makes us laugh a lot, brings a smile to my face, and puts up with a toddler climbing on him.  Maybe I should put this picture in a frame and look at it when he makes me crazy!

Day 11: Silhouette

Not much to say about this picture.  Except that I cheated.  I took it 2 weeks ago.  I had company.  I didn't have time to take pictures!  I am ashamed.  But I love the picture, so is it that bad to cheat a little?

Day 12: Sun Flare

One of the things I love best about summer, is the added sunlight.  It gives us more time to spend as a family.  In the summer, we can eat dinner and go on a family walk.  This picture was taken while on a walk.  (admitting to cheating again.  Sorry).  Doodle was so excited to climb the hill and run down.  She was also thrilled to help walk her puppies.  I love that you can almost see her moving at toddler speed down the hill.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Love From Above

Day 7: High Angle

Last night at about 10:00, after a long day with Doodle, an absent husband, and very few "to dos" checked off the list, I was ready to go to bed.  As I was summoning the energy to get up off the couch and go upstairs, the Beagle decided to vomit his dinner all over the hardwood floors.  As I started to clean it up, I was eternally grateful he didn't find carpet.  As luck would have it, he continued to have an upset stomach. I let him out 2 or 3 more times.  I was concerned enough that I followed him around with a flashlight making sure there was nothing worrisome in his emesis.  Now I must confess something.  I am almost 33 years old and I am still terrified of the dark.  Hate it!  Run from my car to the house if I am alone kind of terrified.  Guess I shouldn't have read so much Stephen King and James Patterson.  Letting the dog out  multiple times in pitch black dark without any backup was not my idea of a good night.  So as I swept the flashlight from one side of the yard to the other I was checking for the Beagles messes, but also for the Boogie Monster that  might be lurking in the corner.  When I swept the light behind a bush, I saw something that made me smile.  Made me feel a little bit loved.  And something that distracted me enough that I wasn't quite as scared.

Now remember, I am terrified of the dark, so obviously I did not stop to get out the step ladder and take the picture at night!  But look closely behind the bush.  There is a red heart.  It is the ribbon from a bag of dog food.  It has been there for several days.  It must have landed that way (or I have 2 talented dogs).  I liked it, so I have left it there.  Last night, it served it's purpose.  I wasn't so scared.  
So today's assignment was to take a "high angle" photo.  Hope you all like this as much as I do.  It's still in my yard.  I will leave it there for a while.  To me it's God's way of making me take a second and smile each time I see it!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Old and New

Day 6: Books
For an avid reader, taking a picture of books seemed like a super simple thing.  I decided to take a picture of all the books Doddle and I read together throughout the day.  So after I put her to bed, I layed all the books out and got on the step stool and took the picture.  I sat down on the couch to upload the pictures to the computer.  I also took a second to double check the list of photos.  When I checked, I saw a picture of some old books.  At almost the same time, I looked up on my build in book shelf and happened upon a favorite spot in my house.  I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.   The shelf that the books sit on, has a nice mixture of old and new.  It is just above the TV and I often find myself looking up at it while deep in thought.
The books ( a five volume set of Edgar Allan Poe) were published in 1903.  I asked for them for Hanukkah when I was sixteen.  I love looking through old books.  I always wonder about where they have been and who they belonged to.  The tea pot and cup and saucer were my paternal grandfathers.  The Weird Georgia book I brought back as a prize for my Favoritest after a girls weekend in Savannah. Everything in this frame makes me smile.  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Breakfast in Bed

Day 5: Breakfast

We have formed a weekend tradition in our house.  Don't get all mushy and sentimental.  It is a tradition born out of laziness and fatigue.  It is not our finest parenting moment, but it sure makes the daily 7:00am wake up call easier to handle two days a week.  On the weekends, as Doddle and the dogs start waking up, my Favoritest and I decide on our jobs.  Job 1- feed dogs, let them out, gather supplies (ie fruit loops and sippy cup of milk).  Job 2- get Doodle, change diaper, get entertainment (dvd of toddler's choice) ready.  Usually my Favoritest takes dog duty, because he can sleep while they go out, and he can't fix a diaper while half asleep.  I gather Doddle and her friends and bring them to our bed.  I get the entertainment ready.  Favoritest brings the ever important supplies.  We all get under the covers.  I usually read, check facebook, or doze.  My Favoritest goes back to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.  Doodle, crunches Fruit Loops and sips on milk and watches her movie.  Yes, it is lazy.  Yes, the T.V. probably rots her brain cells a little at a time.  Yes, we get to rest and relax for an extra hour!  Don't judge.  If you are a parent, you know you do it too!  So here is my picture of breakfast
Don't worry, she gets second breakfast that includes something of nutritional value as soon as we go downstairs.  Also, don't worry, in order to get out of the bed there is usually lots of tickling, snuggling, and kisses.  It may be lazy, but it's a great way to start the day a couple of times a week!


Day 4: Clouds

When I was a kid, I loved "finding" things in the clouds.  Truth be told, I still get easily distracted while driving over the mountains on a day filled with big white billowy clouds.  So I was pretty excited about taking pictures of the clouds.  Wouldn't you know, on Saturday there was hardly a cloud in the sky.  We went out for lunch to a brewery on Afton Mountain.  I took my camera, no clouds.  I was determined, so I drug the camera along to a friends birthday party.  Desperate for something, I took a picture looking up through the tree I was sitting under.  I figured I could at least get some really nice contrast between the sky and the leaves.  When I loaded the pictures, I was excited to see that not only did I get that lovely contrast, I also got a swan!

Friday, June 3, 2011

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

Day 3: Hands
In this photo journey I am taking, today's assignment was "hands".  I tried several different ideas, took a billion pictures, and ended up with this:
I took it while I was walking with Doodle.  I didn't even look at the camera display.  I was really just enjoying the pressure of her little hand holding my finger.  She is totally in the "all by myself" phase of toddlerhood.  And though I am grateful for her independence, every one in a while I miss being needed for the little things.  Today as we walked, I wasn't so much needed, but wanted.... at least for 2 minutes and then she was off to climb the rocks.  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Dance

Day 2: Favorite Shoes
So, today's challenge was  to take a picture of your favorite shoes.  Obviously, if you know me, you can figure out 2 things.  One: those are not my shoes or my super cute skinny legs.  Two: I probably didn't read the instructions well.  I thought the list just said "shoes" not "your favorite shoes".  So in typical me style, I decided that these were in fact MY favorite shoes today.  Why? Because Doddle loves them and wanted to wear them.

My kid is not a shoe lover.  She has a very small foot, and therefor we have a super had time finding shoes for her.  As a result, I usually only have 1-2 pairs in rotation at a time.  As a result, my routine bound toddler only likes those 1 or 2 pairs of shoes.  She hates new shoes so much that I bought the same pair 2 times in a row.  And when we needed new ones 2 weeks ago and the Clarks Store (only place that has shoes that fit her and are made for toddler busyness) didn't have the "mouse shoes" anymore, I made the clerk take our old shoes when we left with new "apple" shoes.  That way, I wasn't lying when I told Doddle that the "mouse shoes" were all gone.  

So last night, when she decided to "play" with the 3 pairs of hand me down crocs, I was thrilled.  I had her run, dance, and jump in them.  My hope was that when we went to the pool on Saturday, she might wear them without pitching too much of a fit.  Imagine my surprise, when she not only wanted to play with them again, but insisted on wearing the "new black shoes" to school today!  I, was so excited about that, and the pictures I got of her playing in them, that I couldn't wait to upload the picture to the flickr group. 

Then I logged on and realized my mistake.  And then I decided that the crocs were my favorite shoes right now.  And I decided that if I followed the rules of the game 100% I wouldn't love the picture of what ever other shoes I took!

30 Challenge

So, I happened upon A Feathered Nest: Photo Fun in June-come join the party! It was a 30 day photo challenge.   I have been thinking about doing a 365 photo project, but that seemed overwhelming, this seems like something I could possibly complete.  So I started yesterday.  The challenge gives a photo challenge for each day.  Today while doing some deep thinking in the shower, I decided that this would also be a great opportunity to get back to my blog, and figure out what I want this blog to be about.  So here is the picture from Day One
Self Portrait of Exhausted Me
June 1st was Self Portrait day.  I of course procrastinated all day, and was left with nothing but my Iphone and a frizzy head of hair, sitting by the bath tub while Doodle played in the water.  It had been a really long 2 days.  I had honestly only seen My Favoritest for maybe 3 minutes (through sleep encrusted eyes) in the last 48 hours.  Six meals and 48 hours as a solo mom had left me feeling haggard and impatient.  So there I sat, taking self portraits with my phone.  Holding it down low to avoid all my jiggly bits.  I kept getting these horrid mean looking faces.  My smiles looked fake.  It wasn't me.  So I decided to see what happened if I took a picture of myself while I was watching Doddle play.  And this is what I got.  It might be one of my favorite pictures of myself.  
A while ago I saw Maya Angelo on Oprah.  She was talking about the best gift to give to your children. She said to look at them so they can see the love on your face.  That was not a verbatim quote, but you get the point. I have really been trying to do that not only with Doodle, but with My Favoritest too.  I think this picture of me captures love.  Hopefully those I love see this face often!