Fast forward a week and Stupid Superstorm Sandy (SSS) ruined my surprise visit with Jayburb and Halloween in Crozet. It also meant that I had no costume. As luck would have it, the week was kind of crazy and I didn't get around to the whole costume things. As I was putting Doodle to bed last night, I mentioned that I didn't have a costume to be Chilly. I could tell that she was disappointed. She told me I had to dress up to go Trick or Treat!
So of course, I come downstairs guilt ridden and start trying to come up with a Chilly costume I can make in a couple of hours. And I did manage to make something that was pretty cute in a ridiculous sort of way. It only took a couple of hours, and I had everything around the house! And part two of this story made me so grateful that Doodle guilted me into making a costume.
Part two of this story took place at our dining room table as we were eating lunch today. Doodle was asking what time we were going to Trick-or-Treat. I reviewed the afternoon's events with her and she looks at me and says, " And are all my friends coming to trick or treat?"
I said "what friends are you talking about?"
"You know mommy, my friends."
"I'm not sure what you mean baby, what friends are you talking about?"
At this point, she slams both hands down on the table and says "My friends from Crozet and my friends from school!"
So I explained that all her school friends would be getting candy in their neighborhoods. And sadly explained that our friends in Crozet are too far away to come tonight. As I looked across the table at that sweet face, I promise you there were tears in her big hazel eyes. It broke my heart! And right then I was so glad that I had crafted a costume! As the afternoon went on, Doodle continued to be a little melancholy, so to cheer her up I let her in on a little secret. I told her that we are going to Crozet in the morning! It helped lift her spirit and let her enjoy the rest of Halloween.
Chilly and Doc walked to chilly streets of our neighborhood for an hourish. The neighbors give full size candy bars and there are plenty of houses to knock at, but it was missing something. It was missing our friends. It was missing the white picket fences of PSV. Charlie Brown was not playing on the side of a house. And, I didn't see one single parent with a beer! Basically, it wasn't our Halloween as usual. Just another thing in the long line of adjustments. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. It was new and different, and I did my best to make it fun for Doodle!
So, between the guilt of not dressing up and the guilt over moving Doodle far from "home", I have never been so glad to look like a fool in all my life. And now, the moment you have been waiting for! Pictures of our Doc McStuffins crew!
Our Little Lambie
Doc McStuffins herself!
Doc and lounge lizard Lambie
The McStuffins Crew!
(Please remember, I made my costume in a couple of hours and used things from around the house!)
After pictures, Doc and Chilly were off to get candy!

We had to stop back by the house for had and gloves. It was very chilly! The penguin hat was the only one I could find in a hurry and it completely confused people!
Just call me the candy inspector!